POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.general : looking for a fiddle Server Time
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  looking for a fiddle (Message 1 to 2 of 2)  
From: Barehunter
Subject: looking for a fiddle
Date: 6 Sep 2005 04:55:01
Message: <web.431d5892ff416b70553c29380@news.povray.org>
I am looking for a fiddle/violin object to make a fiddler on the roof gag
pic. I already tried the pov objects collection website. has anyone made
such? worse case scenario, I can throw an image map on a box but I dont
really want to do that.

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From: FlyerX
Subject: Re: looking for a fiddle
Date: 6 Sep 2005 15:58:28
Message: <431df4e4$1@news.povray.org>
Barehunter wrote:
> I am looking for a fiddle/violin object to make a fiddler on the roof gag
> pic. I already tried the pov objects collection website. has anyone made
> such? worse case scenario, I can throw an image map on a box but I dont
> really want to do that.

The Lightwave group has a violin 3D mesh in the mesh of the month 
archive (April 2003). You will need a free login to get it. Then you can 
use PoseRay to convert it to a POV-Ray mesh.

The mesh should be subdivided in PoseRay before rendering to get the 
best results.

Lightwave group: http://www.lwg3d.org/v3/mom.php?id=11
PoseRay: http://user.txcyber.com/~sgalls/



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