OUPS!... crotte de biche!
I'm so confused, I mixed up two different cases...
For the case explained in the first post (a light source, a fading interior
and a screen) the situation is exactely opposite as described, i.e. light
is attenuated only when placed OUTSIDE of the transparent fading container
(no refraction, neither reflection, no radiosity in this case). See below a
piece of code to check it.
The second case I planed to talk about is when using a mirror (just switch
to "material {gold}" in the "Mirror" section). The strange
thing (to me!) is now the source has to be placed INSIDE the container for
reflection to occure! ... and as seen above in that case attenuation is not
I would like to have both... reflection and attenuation?
// 28.07.05
#include "colors.inc"
global_settings {
max_trace_level 100
photons {
count 200000
//autostop 0
jitter .4
media 100, 2
#declare source = sphere {
<0,0,0> 0.1
pigment { color Yellow }
finish {ambient .8 diffuse .6}
#declare visible = material {
texture {
pigment { color NeonBlue }
finish {ambient 0.3}
#declare gold = material{
texture {
pigment { color Gold }
finish {
ambient 0.1
diffuse 0.001
reflection 0.9
// specular 1
roughness .001
media {
scattering {
1 , rgb 10*<0.1, 0.1, 0.1> // isotropic scattering
extinction 0.001
// //
// //
location <px-10,0,0>
look_at <px,0,0>
angle 60
location <10,5,-20>
look_at <0,0,0>
angle 40
light_source { <0,-10, 0> // Source
color 1*<1,1,1>
looks_like {source}
radius 0.5
falloff 0.5 // Ouverture (a) de la fibre CIR
tightness 0
point_at <0,1,0>
//fade_distance 50
//fade_power 2
media_attenuation on
photons {
refraction on
reflection on
light_source { <-500,500,-500> Gray50
media_interaction off
media_attenuation off
photons { reflection off refraction off }
disc { <px,0,0>, <1,0,0>, 5 // Ecran
rotate <0,0,0>
pigment {checker White Aquamarine}
plane {
y, -100
pigment {checker White Wheat scale 100 } // plan de base
// //
// //
// Mirror //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
box {<-1,-10,-10> <0,10,10>
material {visible} // blue screen
//material {gold} // mirror
rotate <0,0,-45>
photons {
reflection on
refraction on
collect off
// interior fading and media ////////////////////////////////////////////
#declare transparent_avec_media = material{
texture {pigment { White filter 1 }}
fade_distance 5
fade_power 2
media {
scattering {
1 , rgb 5*<0.1, 0.1, 0.1> // isotropic
extinction 0.01
box {
<-10,-12,-10> <100,10,10> // including the light source
//<-10,-9,-10> <100,10,10> // light outside of this box
material {transparent_avec_media}
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