Is this the correct place to post suggestions? If not, I'm sorry.
I've used several external programs in conjunction with POV-Ray. Some are
good and some are bad. Some of them don't properly export the coordinate
values or export in the right-handed system when I prefer the left-handed
system, etc.
Would it be possible to implement a built in conversion into POV-Ray using
directives. Such conversions would set the coordinate real x,y,z points
based on the stated x,y,z points and a simple formula that can only use
For example
.... Start of scene stuff
// Include an external mesh object
#coordinates x=x, y=y, z=-z
#include "myobject.inc"
#coordinates off
// Include another poorly exported object
#coordinates x=x, y=z, z=y
#include "myobject2.inc"
#coordinates off
The idea is that POV-Ray would load the objects in memory, and at parse
time, automatically fix any coordinates based on the settings. The first
object would have the z coordinate negated. The second object would have
the y and z coordinates flipped.
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Allen wrote:
> // Include an external mesh object
> #coordinates x=x, y=y, z=-z
> #include "myobject.inc"
> #coordinates off
> The idea is that POV-Ray would load the objects in memory, and at
> parse time, automatically fix any coordinates based on the settings.
How "fix any coordinates"?
What should this:
sphere {<1,1,-1> scale <1,1,-1>}
be fixed to with this setting:
#coordinates x=x, y=y, z=-z
I think what you want can easily be done by applying a transform to your
poorly exported object like this:
object {MyObject matrix<1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0>} // x=x, y=y, z=-z
object {MyObject2 matrix<1,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,0>} // x=x, y=z, z=y
3D images and anims, include files, tutorials and more:
rune|vision: http://runevision.com
POV-Ray Ring: http://webring.povray.co.uk
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