It seems that the wikipov web server is having problems. (I get this error
msg when I try to connect to it: "HTTP Error 500-13 - Server too busy")
The Knoppix page I started (about using POV-Ray related programs) will be
available at this address:
- until the wikipov server is working again. (This page only shows the raw
text for that wiki-page, but it is still readable.)
Here's a list over the programs covered so far:
POV-Ray, MegaPOV, KPovModeler, Blender, Wings 3D, JPatch, ppModeler,
QTPov Editor, Arbaro, POV-Tree, Arabeske, Kandid, Pyvon, Truevision,
Terraform, planetGenesis, Y.A.P.R.M., HCR-Edit, Ani2Pov, Kuickshow,
The GIMP, Gwenview, Netpbm, Image Magick
Tor Olav
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