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I am still struggling with my arcs I wanted to have like an up-side-down U
(see posting some weeks back).
I started with a spline, placing spheres on it, but this is far to slow to
render since I have *a lot* of those arcs. Is there any quick arc? Maybe
originated from a torus or some other trick?
I like them in a right-angle above my plane,
give the start-point P1 and end-point P2 and a certain height h.
A macro with three parameters P1,P2,h would be cool!
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Wasn't it Chrisir who wrote:
>I am still struggling with my arcs I wanted to have like an up-side-down U
>(see posting some weeks back).
>I started with a spline, placing spheres on it, but this is far to slow to
>render since I have *a lot* of those arcs. Is there any quick arc? Maybe
>originated from a torus or some other trick?
>I like them in a right-angle above my plane,
>give the start-point P1 and end-point P2 and a certain height h.
>A macro with three parameters P1,P2,h would be cool!
Here's a simplified version of what I posted back then that used three
functions. Instead of using functions, this just calculates the values
directly in the macro.
#version 3.6;
global_settings {assumed_gamma 1.0}
camera {location <0,2,-10> look_at <0,2,0> angle 20}
background {rgb 1}
light_source {<-30, 100, -30> color rgb 1}
#macro Arch(P1,P2,H)
union {
#local ctr = 0;
#while (ctr < 1)
#local XX=P1.x+(P2.x-P1.x)*ctr;
#local YY=P1.y+(P2.y-P1.y)*ctr + sin(ctr*pi)*H;
#local ZZ=P1.z+(P2.z-P1.z)*ctr;
sphere {
<XX,YY,ZZ>, .05
#local ctr = ctr + 0.01;
pigment { rgb <0.5,1,0> }
// Invoke the macro
Arch(<-.87,1.05,-.85>, <.64, 1.1,.6>, 1.5)
The above produces a sinusoidal arch. For a parabolic arch replace
"+ sin(ctr*pi)*H;" with "+ 4*(ctr-ctr*ctr)*H;". For an elliptical arch,
replace it with "+ 2*sqrt(ctr-ctr*ctr)*H;".
Mike Williams
Gentleman of Leisure
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that's definetely a improvement in terms of readability and speed compared
to what I got.
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Is there also a way for a arc without any #while (ctr < 1)
sort of thing?
A simple arc from a torus?
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> Is there also a way for a arc without any #while (ctr < 1)
> sort of thing?
> A simple arc from a torus?
difference {
torus {
rotate -90*x
plane {
- Slime
[ http://www.slimeland.com/ ]
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Wasn't it Slime who wrote:
>> Is there also a way for a arc without any #while (ctr < 1)
>> sort of thing?
>> A simple arc from a torus?
>difference {
> torus {
> 5,1
> rotate -90*x
> }
> plane {
> y,0
> }
But that doesn't hit the specified endpoints and height.
I can manage a macro that copes with cases where the endpoints have the
same y value (i.e. P1.y = P2.y) but I can't figure out the rotation of
the plane that would cope with the case where that's not the case
#macro TorusArch(P1,P2,H)
// horizontal distance between P1 and P2
#local W=sqrt(pow(P2.x-P1.x,2)+pow(P2.z-P1.z,2))/2;
difference {
torus {1,0.05
rotate x*90 // make it vertical
scale <W,H,W> // fix the width and height
// turn it to face the correct direction
rotate -y*(atan2(P2.z-P1.z,P2.x-P1.x)*180/pi)
// move the centre of the torus to the
// midpoint of P1 and P2
translate (P1+P2)/2
plane {y,0
// rotation to cope with P1.y != P2.y
// rotate <??,??,??>
// move the centre of the rotation to the
// midpoint of P1 and P2
translate (P1+P2)/2
pigment {rgb <0.5,1,0>}
Mike Williams
Gentleman of Leisure
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Chrisir nous apporta ses lumieres en ce 2005-08-02 05:48:
> Hello!
> I am still struggling with my arcs I wanted to have like an up-side-down U
> (see posting some weeks back).
> I started with a spline, placing spheres on it, but this is far to slow to
> render since I have *a lot* of those arcs. Is there any quick arc? Maybe
> originated from a torus or some other trick?
> I like them in a right-angle above my plane,
> give the start-point P1 and end-point P2 and a certain height h.
> A macro with three parameters P1,P2,h would be cool!
> Thanks!
If the "legs" are straight and the bend a contant radius, then you can use an union of
a half torus
and two cylinders. Those cylinders don't need to have the same lenght.
If the curve is not constant, then you should take a look at sphere_sweep using a
cubic_spline to
keep controll over the end points (points 2 and second to last, first and last are
control points)
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Thanks to everybody for the help.
That's highly appreciated.
I think a torus with same Y for start and end is perfect.
Thanks a lot!
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