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So, here's the situation: I'm working in POV-Ray, and I get an idea like
this: "Hey, maybe I could light up this whole column of objects and have
them all glow due to a light-emitting object at the bottom!"(I'm using
radiosity). Is there any way to use an interior to get an effect similar to
what happens when you feed light into a fiber optic line, where the entire
wire seems to glow with a quiet red light? I don't want to fake it by using
ambience, I want this to be an authentic glow. Has anyone achieved this, or
knows how?
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From: Bob Hughes
Subject: Re: Does anyone know how to achieve a fiber-optical effect?
Date: 31 Jul 2005 07:09:50
Message: <42ecb17e$1@news.povray.org>
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"FractalMBrown" <fractalmbrown_AT_QX_DOT_NET> wrote in message
> So, here's the situation: I'm working in POV-Ray, and I get an idea like
> this: "Hey, maybe I could light up this whole column of objects and have
> them all glow due to a light-emitting object at the bottom!"(I'm using
> radiosity). Is there any way to use an interior to get an effect similar
> to
> what happens when you feed light into a fiber optic line, where the entire
> wire seems to glow with a quiet red light? I don't want to fake it by
> using
> ambience, I want this to be an authentic glow. Has anyone achieved this,
> or
> knows how?
Hmmmm, thinking media-filled objects could be the answer. Radiosity will
affect that when you use 'media on' in the radiosity statement. That plus
photons and reflective/refractive objects might work all together if you use
actual light source(s) in conjunction with radiosity. Not real sure it would
do exactly as you want though.
I can't think of an example of such a thing. I did a fiber-optic cable long
ago but it was only to get light out the other end (was not entirely
Bob Hughes
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> Hmmmm, thinking media-filled objects could be the answer. Radiosity will
> affect that when you use 'media on' in the radiosity statement. That plus
> photons and reflective/refractive objects might work all together if you use
> actual light source(s) in conjunction with radiosity. Not real sure it would
> do exactly as you want though.
> I can't think of an example of such a thing. I did a fiber-optic cable long
> ago but it was only to get light out the other end (was not entirely
> successful).
> Bob Hughes
Thanks, I'll have to learn how to use media (I'm still learning all the
features), but I'll keep your advice in mind.
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When I said radiosity affects media, well, that was a misnomer. I was
checking about this just tonight as I finally thought on this some more and
tried a test scene to be sure it could work okay.
Seems that media affects radiosity instead of the other way around. For
example, a very diffuse white block below a clear tube filled with red media
(emission <1,0,0>) will glow red, but the media won't be brightened by the
block FAIK. Without light sources there's no way to scatter the light into
the media so the block will remain dark unless ambient and even so the media
remains unaffected..
Sorry that I led you astray. So for doing that I'll try and make up for it
by giving an example of something like what you asked about, even if it
might not be exactly the same thing I thought you might have been asking.
The following script is a quick hack, so please keep that in mind. Photons
/* tube glowing red from light below it */
global_settings {
assumed_gamma 1.0
ambient_light 0//1
radiosity {
count 123
brightness 1
media on
photons {
count 5000 // increase...?
media 100, 2
sphere {
pigment {color rgb 0.5}
camera {
location <1,2,-6>
angle 50
look_at -y
box {
pigment {
color rgb 1
finish {
ambient 1
diffuse 1
scale <2,0.5,1>
translate -2.01*y
photons {
target 0
collect off
light_source { // between cylinder and box
photons {
refraction on
reflection off
cylinder {
pigment {
color rgbt 1
interior {
ior 1.48
fade_distance 0.25
media {
samples 15
emission <1,0,0>//10 // divide by 10 if using photons
absorption <0.1,0.1,0.1>
scattering {
2,<0.5,0,0>//10 // divide by 10 if using photons
density {
function {abs(y)}
density_map {
[0 rgb 0] // use rgb 1 for even distribution
[1 rgb 1]
scale 2
translate y
photons {
target 0 // 1 for photons effect
refraction on
reflection off
collect off
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"Bob Hughes" <omniverse@charter%net> wrote:
> When I said radiosity affects media, well, that was a misnomer. I was
> checking about this just tonight as I finally thought on this some more and
> tried a test scene to be sure it could work okay.
> Seems that media affects radiosity instead of the other way around. For
> example, a very diffuse white block below a clear tube filled with red media
> (emission <1,0,0>) will glow red, but the media won't be brightened by the
> block FAIK. Without light sources there's no way to scatter the light into
> the media so the block will remain dark unless ambient and even so the media
> remains unaffected..
> Sorry that I led you astray. So for doing that I'll try and make up for it
> by giving an example of something like what you asked about, even if it
> might not be exactly the same thing I thought you might have been asking.
> The following script is a quick hack, so please keep that in mind. Photons
> optional.
> Bob
> /* tube glowing red from light below it */
Thanks, I'll try it out as soon as I can! (I can't try it right now
considering how I'm doing a 12000x8000 render and it's going to take about
30 hours at this rate)
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