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I'm looking for a Program that enables me to fly through a PovRay-scene by
using the mouse. This wouldn't be a pre-programmed fly-path (animation /
movie) but what I actually do with mouse and keyboard, e.g. move forward,
backward, turn around and so on.
Is there a program to zoom in and out a scene or rotate it (fixed camera
Can I have some controls to hide and show areas (e.g. hide or show all
splines or all bars / blocks)
Any suggestions?
Is there a program somewhere out that provides the possibility of
interaction with the PovRay-scene? E.g. I click on a bar an a messagebox
pops up and tells me the position and name of it? Or a spline goes yellow
when the mouse moves over it (without clicking). And local menue when I
right click on an object?
Thx, Chrisir
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Chrisir <nomail@nomail> wrote:
> I'm looking for a Program that enables me to fly through a PovRay-scene by
> using the mouse.
There exists no such program.
> Is there a program somewhere out that provides the possibility of
> interaction with the PovRay-scene?
However, you can create a povray scene with this:
- Warp
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So, how can those things be programmed then?
In C++ or in VB.net that's too slow to program...
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> So, how can those things be programmed then?
> In C++ or in VB.net that's too slow to program...
Perhaps when you have a machine that calculates raytraced images in a
nanosecond. Meanwhile it forgets this, or learn some vrml
light_source{0,1}#macro C(r,p)cylinder{x*-2,x*2,.9 pigment { rgb
p} /* B Gimeno estoeslarealidad */ rotate p*90 } #end difference
{box {-1,1} C(z /* http://usuarios.lycos.es/game2413 */,x)C(x,y)
C(z,z) pigment{rgb 2} rotate 45 translate z*4} // www.povray.org
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Thanks for mentioning vrml.
I noticed that map-editors of games such as unreal allow convenient
Question is: Can a PovRay scene be imported into unrealEd?
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Chrisir <nomail@nomail> wrote:
> Question is: Can a PovRay scene be imported into unrealEd?
- Warp
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