I have a problem with an isosurface: one part of it does not show up.
My software:
Persistence of Vision(tm) Ray Tracer Version 3.6.1 (g++ 3.4.1 @
My code:
isosurface {
max_gradient 6
contained_by {sphere {0 6}}
clipped_by {box {<-2,-1,-4> <2,2,4> rotate -45*y}}
pigment {color rgbt .8}
//box {<-2,-1,-4> <2,2,4> rotate -45*y pigment {color rgbt .8}}
light_source {<2,5,1> color rgb 1}
camera {
location <2,2,-8> look_at <0,.3,0>
up 10*y right 10*4/3*x
background {<1,1,1>}
When I take off the comment // before the box, the isosurface shows up
correctly. With the comment, a part of the isosurface is missing.
Thanks for your help,
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>I have a problem with an isosurface: one part of it does not show up.
"clipped_by" Is a CSG operation and requires a suitable max_trace
setting (or "all_intersections") just as you would if you had used
"difference" or "intersection".
isosurface {
max_gradient 6
max_trace 2 // Added this line
contained_by {sphere {0 6}}
clipped_by {box {<-2,-1,-4> <2,2,4> rotate -45*y}}
pigment {color rgbt .8}
light_source {<2,5,1> color rgb 1}
camera {
location <2,2,-8> look_at <0,.3,0>
up 10*y right 10*4/3*x
background {<1,1,1>}
Mike Williams
Gentleman of Leisure
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