I am attempting to have a sail interact with a rope that is in front of it.
When the sail billows out, I want it to press against the rope and billow
around it. I have tried several sets of settings to no avail. The sail just
billows through the rope and does not form around it.
The sail is created with MechSim and is a 50x50 mesh. The rope is an Iso CSG
1. Could the spacing on the masses in the mesh affect this? If the spacing
on the masses prevents a sail mass from colliding with the rope?
2. What collision settings and methods should I be using to cause the mesh
sail to collide with the cylinder (rope)?
3. Would I be better off creating the rope with masses and connections? The
current rope is very taunt, but I will be using loose ropes int he future.
4. Should the sail and each rope be placed in its own group?
I am just looking for some general guide lines. I will do the work if
somebody can point me in the right direction. If somebody could give me a
hint, I would really appreciate the help.
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Tim McMurdo wrote:
> I am attempting to have a sail interact with a rope that is in front of it.
> When the sail billows out, I want it to press against the rope and billow
> around it. I have tried several sets of settings to no avail. The sail just
> billows through the rope and does not form around it.
First: wrong group, followup set.
> The sail is created with MechSim and is a 50x50 mesh. The rope is an Iso CSG
> cylinder.
> 1. Could the spacing on the masses in the mesh affect this? If the spacing
> on the masses prevents a sail mass from colliding with the rope?
Partly - only the masses are checked for collision with the environment
so the 'rope' has to be considerably thicker than the distance between
the masses in the sail.
> 3. Would I be better off creating the rope with masses and connections?
Probably, having the rope as a 'line' and the sail as a 'patch' will
make them interact correctly if you turn on mass-face-collisions.
> 4. Should the sail and each rope be placed in its own group?
This would make collision tests much faster.
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Last updated 03 May. 2005 _____./\/^>_*_<^\/\.______
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