The Forum Navis Romana (FNR) can be visited now at:
http://Navis.TerraRomana.org and will be lauched by Summer / Autumn 2005.
We invite you for our Render and Art competitions which will start
immediately after the launch.
For elements of our website design we invite interested render artists to
prematurely submit render images focusing on ancient Roman ships (as
already seen at the FNR page). In case you wish to submit, please use the
following e-mail address: "Ent### [at] TerraRomana org".
For suggestions or questions, please use "Inf### [at] TerraRomana org".
Sven Littkowski
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Sven Littkowski wrote:
> The Forum Navis Romana (FNR) can be visited now at:
> http://Navis.TerraRomana.org and will be lauched by Summer / Autumn 2005.
Please stop multi-posting the same message to several groups, read the
posting guidelines in povray.announce.frequently-asked-questions
concerning this.
POV-Ray tutorials, include files, Sim-POV,
HCR-Edit and more: http://www.tu-bs.de/~y0013390/
Last updated 27 Feb. 2005 _____./\/^>_*_<^\/\.______
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