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From: Eero Ahonen
Subject: Re: Finally I took time to start my personal website !
Date: 10 Mar 2005 18:21:20
Message: <4230d670$1@news.povray.org>
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Rene Bui wrote:
> enjoy
> Rene
> http://rene.bui.free.fr
It seems more like a flashclip than website to me. Or, to be precise, I
see just an empty page (hooray Macromedia, thanks for the great support
for amd64).
How about making a html version? That would be a web page :)
Eero "Aero" Ahonen
aer### [at] removethis zbxt net invalid
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From: Slime
Subject: Re: Finally I took time to start my personal website !
Date: 10 Mar 2005 18:30:36
Message: <4230d89c$1@news.povray.org>
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> It seems more like a flashclip than website to me. Or, to be precise, I
> see just an empty page (hooray Macromedia, thanks for the great support
> for amd64).
The flash intro is merely a place to select your language. But this drives
the point home that, when you use an "intro" page for a website, you drive
away users - even those who *are* able to see it, very often just leave when
they don't see any real content.
The solution: trash the "splash" page, and send users straight to the
content, in the language you most want to target. In an easy-to-see place,
put a link to the other language version.
Otherwise, nice site; there are a few places where margins could be bigger,
but it's good.
- Slime
[ http://www.slimeland.com/ ]
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wow, thanks for the quick crits !
just re-make the first page in a minute.
I apologize to the non-flash users, maybe 100% html version later (you know,
time...:( )
http://rene.bui.free.fr - online portfolio
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From: Darren New
Subject: Re: Finally I took time to start my personal website !
Date: 10 Mar 2005 20:03:59
Message: <4230ee7f$1@news.povray.org>
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Slime wrote:
> The solution: trash the "splash" page, and send users straight to the
> content, in the language you most want to target.
Or, in the language the user asks for. It *is* there, ya know. :-)
Darren New / San Diego, CA, USA (PST)
He had a name like someone sneezing with
a mouth full of alphabet soup...
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From: Jim Charter
Subject: Re: Finally I took time to start my personal website !
Date: 10 Mar 2005 23:13:22
Message: <42311ae2$1@news.povray.org>
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Eero Ahonen wrote:
> It seems more like a flashclip than website to me.
Well whatever you call it, it is beautifully designed, with content that
is very impressive.
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From: Jim Charter
Subject: Re: Finally I took time to start my personal website !
Date: 10 Mar 2005 23:16:22
Message: <42311b96$1@news.povray.org>
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Rene Bui wrote:
> enjoy
> Rene
> http://rene.bui.free.fr
Loved it!
One thing, I appreciate the design advantage of the ultra small text on
the Intro page, but for old guys like me it does get to be a strain.
And there is not *that* many years between us, you'll find out soon.
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From: Eero Ahonen
Subject: Re: Finally I took time to start my personal website !
Date: 11 Mar 2005 00:36:55
Message: <42312e77@news.povray.org>
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Jim Charter wrote:
> Eero Ahonen wrote:
>> It seems more like a flashclip than website to me.
> Well whatever you call it, it is beautifully designed, with content that
> is very impressive.
Flash can be used for nice and fast animations, graphics etc. But it has
been "driven to suck" by:
-90% stupid users (too much flash, too big clips etc (I don't say Bui is
one of these - I honestly don't know); these drove me off from flash
first time years ago)
-It's creator, Macromedia, which obviously has no clue 'bout hardware
evolutioning; my workstation is over 8 months old (hey, it's already
obsolete for someone in these markets) and still Macromedia just doesn't
support 64-bit Linux, even thou much of amd64-Linux -users has been
asking for it. One of web's great ideas is that it's not
platform-dependent; use of this kind of unsupported proprietary code
does not do that. Currently Macromedia makes the first choice, who can
see Bui's page, and I don't believe that it's even what Bui primarily wants.
Eero "Aero" Ahonen
aer### [at] removethis zbxt net invalid
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From: Jim Charter
Subject: Re: Finally I took time to start my personal website !
Date: 11 Mar 2005 01:33:06
Message: <42313ba2$1@news.povray.org>
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Eero Ahonen wrote:
>> Eero Ahonen wrote:
> -90% stupid users (too much flash, too big clips etc (I don't say Bui
is one of these - I honestly don't know);
I thought he makes understated and effective use of it which enhances
the style and content of the work he is presenting.
> these drove me off from flash first time years ago)
Of course but you are blaming the wrong thing
> -It's creator, Macromedia, which obviously has no clue 'bout hardware
evolutioning; my workstation is over 8 months old (hey, it's already
obsolete for someone in these markets) and still Macromedia just doesn't
support 64-bit Linux, even thou much of amd64-Linux -users has been
asking for it.
And I sympathize. My ISP has no Linux client and I am not about to
write one or find something more generic so use of Linux is a limited
option for me. My employer runs a website that will only open with IE
so if I want to get paid I use IE.
One of web's great ideas is that it's not
> platform-dependent; use of this kind of unsupported proprietary code
does not do that.
I have always loathed Adobe Acrobat
Currently Macromedia makes the first choice, who can
> see Bui's page,
No, it forces HOW you can see the page
and I don't believe that it's even what Bui primarily
> wants.
I suppose he wants a wide audience but not necessarily at the expense of
his presentation.
The MoMA was installing a sculpture by Carl Andre that they owned, and
owned at considerable expense. It was some number of, maybe 25, squares
of copper plate tiled on the floor in a square and filling a corner at
the inward join of two walls. Wanting to protect their expensive
artwork they installed the plates with some sort of drop sheet between
them and the museum floor. Andre goes ballistic. He makes them take
the installation down. So they proceed to reinstall without the drop
sheet. Andre will not have it. He is so miffed that he refuses to let
them install the piece in the show at all! Sometimes the art comes first.
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From: Eero Ahonen
Subject: Re: Finally I took time to start my personal website !
Date: 11 Mar 2005 10:06:52
Message: <4231b40c@news.povray.org>
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Jim Charter wrote:
> >
> > -90% stupid users (too much flash, too big clips etc (I don't say Bui
> is one of these - I honestly don't know);
> I thought he makes understated and effective use of it which enhances
> the style and content of the work he is presenting.
Might be. I still just _can't_ see the page, so I have no idea, how he
has used flash.
> > these drove me off from flash first time years ago)
> Of course but you are blaming the wrong thing
Some years ago my primary reason not to use flash was those stupid
users, who bloated their sites. Surprisingly, most of these sites were
fast and good-looking without flash. But back then, if I had flash
installed, I couldn't choose to use it or not.
This prob with flash has decreased, but it's not entirely gone. And yes,
this is not flash's or Macromedia's fault.
> >
> > -It's creator, Macromedia, which obviously has no clue 'bout hardware
> evolutioning; my workstation is over 8 months old (hey, it's already
> obsolete for someone in these markets) and still Macromedia just doesn't
> support 64-bit Linux, even thou much of amd64-Linux -users has been
> asking for it.
> And I sympathize. My ISP has no Linux client and I am not about to
> write one or find something more generic so use of Linux is a limited
> option for me. My employer runs a website that will only open with IE
> so if I want to get paid I use IE.
Your ISP needs some spesific client software? I have to sympathize that.
TCP/IP and general network support should be enough for workstation, IMO.
> One of web's great ideas is that it's not
> > platform-dependent; use of this kind of unsupported proprietary code
> does not do that.
> I have always loathed Adobe Acrobat
I see some reasonable usage for Acrobat's system (manuals), but it's too
widely wrong-used. But with PDF's the prob is smaller, they have
open-source readers. Dunno, does Adobe support other OS's than Win and
Linux x86 much.
> > Currently Macromedia makes the first choice, who can
> > see Bui's page,
> No, it forces HOW you can see the page
Well, if you want to say it that way. But my guess is that seeing a
white screen does not comply with seeing Bui's page.
> and I don't believe that it's even what Bui primarily
> > wants.
> >
> I suppose he wants a wide audience but not necessarily at the expense of
> his presentation.
Could be true. Is the presentation dependant of flash? Would it suffer
considerably loss without it? If it is/if it would, using flash is at
least reasonable. But I still don't consider a flashclip as a web site,
no matter how cool or nice it is.
> them install the piece in the show at all! Sometimes the art comes first.
True, sometimes, or even usually, the art comes first. Art in the museum
has certainly a designed layout, the enviroment is clean etc. Art at the
street might be randomly placed, there's dust, lightning is changing
etc. At this point, both can be placed by the artist and he may like the
layout a lot. Artist at the museum enjoys the silence and the cleaness,
artist at the street enjoys the freeness and the possible sunlight. To
the street everyone sees the art easily, in the museum you need to walk
in. But if the museum has no entrance fee, it's still not the street.
Nor is the street a museum. No matter how rude the museum is, nor how
clean the street is.
Eero "Aero" Ahonen
aer### [at] removethis zbxt net invalid
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