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For instance, I.ve got two files "wet.bmp" and "dry.bmp", and the third
file's name is "factor.bmp". All of them are of the same resolution,
256*128 for example.
Now, I want to use them to generate a new pigment. I've got the following:
#declare Wetting=function{ pigment {image_map{sys "wet.bmp"} }}
#declare Drying=function{ pigment {image_map{sys "dry.bmp"} }}
#declare Factor=function{ pigment {image_map{sys "factor.bmp"} }}
pigment {
image_map {
function 256 128 { pigment {
color (1-Factor(x,y,z).gray)*Wetting(x,y,z) +
Drying(x,y,z)*Factor(x,y,z).gray (*)
But when parsing, error message appears at line (*):
Parse Error: Float expected but vector or color expression found.
It seems that (x,y,z), I use to locate the pixel, does not work. Maybe i am
still not familiar enough with the syntex of how to use
user-defined-fuction, and maybe there is an other way to implement what i
want to do.
So any advice will be deeply appreciated!
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"lien0n" <nomail@nomail> wrote:
> It seems that (x,y,z), I use to locate the pixel, does not work. Maybe i am
> still not familiar enough with the syntex of how to use
> user-defined-fuction, and maybe there is an other way to implement what i
> want to do.
> So any advice will be deeply appreciated!
If I'm not mistaken, x,y, and z are reserved for the POV-Ray coordinate
system only. Try using (X,Y,Z) for your functions.
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"Mienai" <Mienai> wrote:
> "lien0n" <nomail@nomail> wrote:
> > It seems that (x,y,z), I use to locate the pixel, does not work. Maybe i am
> > still not familiar enough with the syntex of how to use
> > user-defined-fuction, and maybe there is an other way to implement what i
> > want to do.
> >
> > So any advice will be deeply appreciated!
> If I'm not mistaken, x,y, and z are reserved for the POV-Ray coordinate
> system only. Try using (X,Y,Z) for your functions.
Another error:
undeclared identifier X found instead.
Thx anyway!
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"lien0n" <nomail@nomail> wrote:
> "Mienai" <Mienai> wrote:
> > "lien0n" <nomail@nomail> wrote:
> > > It seems that (x,y,z), I use to locate the pixel, does not work. Maybe i am
> > > still not familiar enough with the syntex of how to use
> > > user-defined-fuction, and maybe there is an other way to implement what i
> > > want to do.
> > >
> > > So any advice will be deeply appreciated!
> >
> > If I'm not mistaken, x,y, and z are reserved for the POV-Ray coordinate
> > system only. Try using (X,Y,Z) for your functions.
> Another error:
> undeclared identifier X found instead.
> Thx anyway!
of course,if i add something like this:
#local X=0;
#local Y=0;
#local Z=0;
then Factor(X,Y,Z) would not to iterate inside the whole bmp, it just
extract the value at pixel (0,0,0).
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Wasn't it lien0n who wrote:
>For instance, I.ve got two files "wet.bmp" and "dry.bmp", and the third
>file's name is "factor.bmp". All of them are of the same resolution,
>256*128 for example.
>Now, I want to use them to generate a new pigment. I've got the following:
>#declare Wetting=function{ pigment {image_map{sys "wet.bmp"} }}
>#declare Drying=function{ pigment {image_map{sys "dry.bmp"} }}
>#declare Factor=function{ pigment {image_map{sys "factor.bmp"} }}
> pigment {
> image_map {
> function 256 128 { pigment {
> color (1-Factor(x,y,z).gray)*Wetting(x,y,z) +
>Drying(x,y,z)*Factor(x,y,z).gray (*)
> }}
> }
> }
>But when parsing, error message appears at line (*):
> Parse Error: Float expected but vector or color expression found.
>It seems that (x,y,z), I use to locate the pixel, does not work. Maybe i am
>still not familiar enough with the syntex of how to use
>user-defined-fuction, and maybe there is an other way to implement what i
>want to do.
>So any advice will be deeply appreciated!
Although POV defines colour functions, I'm pretty sure that you can't
use them as render-time colours.
At parse time you can pick individual colours from individual points of
a colour function, like
#declare My_Colour = Wetting(1,2,3) * (1-Factor(1,2,3).gray);
You can use a render-time float function as PATTERN of a pigment, but
you can't use render-time colour functions as the COLOUR of a pigment.
So what you can do is to declare Wetting and Drying as simple pigments,
not functions, use the float function "Factor(x,y,z).gray" as a pattern,
and then use that pattern as a pigment_map to map two image_mapped
pigments, like this:
#declare Wetting = pigment {image_map{sys "wet.bmp"} }
#declare Drying = pigment {image_map{sys "dry.bmp"} }
#declare Factor = function {pigment {image_map{sys "factor.bmp"} }}
pigment {
pigment_map {
[0.0 Wetting]
[1.0 Drying]
I believe that gives you the particular effect that you were trying to
achieve. It's a lot less flexible than render type colour functions
would be, but you don't need that flexibility in this particular case.
Mike Williams
Gentleman of Leisure
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In article <web.42300839aa72325b598059850@news.povray.org>,
"lien0n" <nomail@nomail> wrote:
> plane{z,-0.00001
> pigment {
> image_map {
> function 256 128 { pigment {
> color (1-Factor(x,y,z).gray)*Wetting(x,y,z) +
> Drying(x,y,z)*Factor(x,y,z).gray (*)
> }}
> }
> }
> }
Break the pigment out to see what's going wrong:
pigment {
color (1-Factor(x,y,z).gray)*Wetting(x,y,z) +
Put simply...you can't do this. There's no mechanism in standard POV-Ray
for taking a color function and using it directly as a pigment color. If
there were (and if this were corrected to extract gray values from
Wetting() and Drying()), this would still give a grayscale result.
It is possible, though...just a bit tricky. You have to average 3
separate pigments, with the colors multiplied by 3 to counter the divide
in the average so you can get a straight add.
pigment {average
pigment_map {
function {(1-Factor(x,y,z).red)*Wetting(x,y,z).red +
color_map {[0 rgb 0] [1 red 3]}
function {(1-Factor(x,y,z).green)*Wetting(x,y,z).green +
color_map {[0 rgb 0] [1 green 3]}
function {(1-Factor(x,y,z).blue)*Wetting(x,y,z).blue +
color_map {[0 rgb 0] [1 blue 3]}
Oh, and for the sake of your disk space, bandwidth, and everyone else,
please don't use BMPs. PNGs let you do everything they do and more, are
compressed, and are lossless.
Christopher James Huff <cja### [at] gmail com>
POV-Ray TAG: <chr### [at] tag povray org>
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Mike Williams <nos### [at] econym demon co uk> wrote:
> Although POV defines colour functions, I'm pretty sure that you can't
> use them as render-time colours.
> At parse time you can pick individual colours from individual points of
> a colour function, like
> #declare My_Colour = Wetting(1,2,3) * (1-Factor(1,2,3).gray);
> You can use a render-time float function as PATTERN of a pigment, but
> you can't use render-time colour functions as the COLOUR of a pigment.
> So what you can do is to declare Wetting and Drying as simple pigments,
> not functions, use the float function "Factor(x,y,z).gray" as a pattern,
> and then use that pattern as a pigment_map to map two image_mapped
> pigments, like this:
> #declare Wetting = pigment {image_map{sys "wet.bmp"} }
> #declare Drying = pigment {image_map{sys "dry.bmp"} }
> #declare Factor = function {pigment {image_map{sys "factor.bmp"} }}
> plane{z,-0.00001
> pigment {
> function{Factor(x,y,z).gray}
> pigment_map {
> [0.0 Wetting]
> [1.0 Drying]
> }
> }
> }
> I believe that gives you the particular effect that you were trying to
> achieve. It's a lot less flexible than render type colour functions
> would be, but you don't need that flexibility in this particular case.
> --
> Mike Williams
> Gentleman of Leisure
wow~~,it works, firstly thks so much!
But will you pls to say something about how to use flexible colour functions
at render-time?
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Christopher James Huff <cja### [at] gmail com> wrote:
> In article <web.42300839aa72325b598059850@news.povray.org>,
> "lien0n" <nomail@nomail> wrote:
> > plane{z,-0.00001
> > pigment {
> > image_map {
> > function 256 128 { pigment {
> > color (1-Factor(x,y,z).gray)*Wetting(x,y,z) +
> > Drying(x,y,z)*Factor(x,y,z).gray (*)
> > }}
> > }
> > }
> > }
> Break the pigment out to see what's going wrong:
> pigment {
> color (1-Factor(x,y,z).gray)*Wetting(x,y,z) +
> Drying(x,y,z)*Factor(x,y,z).gray
> }
> Put simply...you can't do this. There's no mechanism in standard POV-Ray
> for taking a color function and using it directly as a pigment color. If
> there were (and if this were corrected to extract gray values from
> Wetting() and Drying()), this would still give a grayscale result.
> It is possible, though...just a bit tricky. You have to average 3
> separate pigments, with the colors multiplied by 3 to counter the divide
> in the average so you can get a straight add.
> pigment {average
> pigment_map {
> [1
> function {(1-Factor(x,y,z).red)*Wetting(x,y,z).red +
> Drying(x,y,z).red*Factor(x,y,z).red}
> color_map {[0 rgb 0] [1 red 3]}
> ]
> [1
> function {(1-Factor(x,y,z).green)*Wetting(x,y,z).green +
> Drying(x,y,z).green*Factor(x,y,z).green}
> color_map {[0 rgb 0] [1 green 3]}
> ]
> [1
> function {(1-Factor(x,y,z).blue)*Wetting(x,y,z).blue +
> Drying(x,y,z).blue*Factor(x,y,z).blue}
> color_map {[0 rgb 0] [1 blue 3]}
> ]
> }
> }
> Oh, and for the sake of your disk space, bandwidth, and everyone else,
> please don't use BMPs. PNGs let you do everything they do and more, are
> compressed, and are lossless.
> --
> Christopher James Huff <cja### [at] gmail com>
> POV-Ray TAG: <chr### [at] tag povray org>
> http://tag.povray.org/
Yes, i tried and it works, many thks!
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