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Hi, folks,
this thing drives me crazy, so any and every hint will be helpful ;-)
I have a few dozen include-files merged in a single scene-file. Every .inc
contains a few identifiers. Now for one single shot inside a longer
animation I want to overwrite the values of the identifiers (simply
changing from 1 to 0). After this shot the identifiers should "return" to
their original values. Therefore I want to overwrite the values inside the
scene-file. But, as you might guess, I dont get it to work. I have tried
several ways, but nothing works, it seems, the SDL has no way to do this
..inc depending of clock. But as it affects only 30 frames of the animation
(and the .incs will be needed also for stills and other animations without
overwrite them directly inside the .pov
TIA for any help
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Steely wrote:
> Hi, folks,
> this thing drives me crazy, so any and every hint will be helpful ;-)
> I have a few dozen include-files merged in a single scene-file. Every .inc
> contains a few identifiers. Now for one single shot inside a longer
> animation I want to overwrite the values of the identifiers (simply
> changing from 1 to 0). After this shot the identifiers should "return" to
> their original values. Therefore I want to overwrite the values inside the
> scene-file. But, as you might guess, I dont get it to work. I have tried
> several ways, but nothing works, it seems, the SDL has no way to do this
> :-(
> ..inc depending of clock. But as it affects only 30 frames of the animation
> (and the .incs will be needed also for stills and other animations without
> overwrite them directly inside the .pov
> TIA for any help
> Rm
I have from time to time used a statement like:
#ifndef( some_var_name ) #declare some_var_name=1; #end
inside the included_file_name.inc file.
In the .pov file I then use:
#if(frame_number => some_value | frame_number <= some_other_value)
#declare some_var_name=0;
#include included_file_name.inc
This gives some_var_name a default value if not declared previouse to
the file being included.
This might help in your situation.
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Art Flint <pfl### [at] stx rr com> wrote:
> This might help in your situation.
YES, MAN, this is e.x.a.c.t.l.y what I need! Thanks a lot!
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