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I learn the POVRAY only 3 weeks. Now, I want to make a program that use the
animation function. Can you tell me the way to use it? I look in the help,
but I can't find any.
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On Fri, 25 Feb 2005 12:20:11 EST, "scorpmetal" <sco### [at] yahoo com>
>Can you tell me the way to use it? I look in the help,
>but I can't find any.
In your Pov-Ray directory there are examples
C:\Graphics\POV-Ray for Windows v3.5\scenes\animations\
If you run and look at some of these you will get a good idea.
Run the INI file as this tells Pov-Ray how many frames to render and
the start and end value of the "clock" variable. In the POV file you
will use the "clock" variable to change something e.g. translate x* 5
* clock
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> I learn the POVRAY only 3 weeks. Now, I want to make a program that use
> animation function. Can you tell me the way to use it? I look in the help,
> but I can't find any.
See section "2.3.8 Making Animations." You can get there quickly by
pressing the "Scene" button (assuming you're using POV-Ray for Windows),
choosing the "index" tab, typing in "animation" and taking the first result.
- Slime
[ http://www.slimeland.com/ ]
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Darren New wrote:
> For what it's worth, when I was new to POV-Ray, it was confusing because
> nowhere did it actually say "POV-Ray doesn't make animations." I think
> a paragraph at the top of that that says "POV-Ray doesn't make
> animations. But it can be configured to draw a bunch of sequential
> frames, based on the changing of "clock", so we now describe how to
> configure it that way" would possibly help. It's a
> not-necessarily-obvious intuitive leap to get to "animations" from "INI
> for clock variable settings". :-)
Eh? How is a bunch of sequential frames not an animation?
Tim Cook
Version: 3.12
GFA dpu- s: a?-- C++(++++) U P? L E--- W++(+++)>$
N++ o? K- w(+) O? M-(--) V? PS+(+++) PE(--) Y(--)
PGP-(--) t* 5++>+++++ X+ R* tv+ b++(+++) DI
D++(---) G(++) e*>++ h+ !r--- !y--
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On Fri, 25 Feb 2005 14:50:34 -0500, Tim Cook <z99### [at] bellsouth net>
>Eh? How is a bunch of sequential frames not an animation?
You've forgotten what it's like to be young, Tim :-)
If Pov-Ray created animations, you wouldn't need an other programme to
put the frames together.
BTW what are the mdl's in Moray.b?
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Stephen McAvoy wrote:
> BTW what are the mdl's in Moray.b?
standard-sided wall plates for a light switch and outlet. figured i'd
share some of the basic components i've made. i'll be making some
others as i get to needing to model them to put in the 3d model of my
reisdence on which i'm working. figured people'd appreciate pre-made
standard architectural elements so's they can focus on modelling the
unique stuff...
Tim Cook
Version: 3.12
GFA dpu- s: a?-- C++(++++) U P? L E--- W++(+++)>$
N++ o? K- w(+) O? M-(--) V? PS+(+++) PE(--) Y(--)
PGP-(--) t* 5++>+++++ X+ R* tv+ b++(+++) DI
D++(---) G(++) e*>++ h+ !r--- !y--
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Darren New <dne### [at] san rr com> wrote:
> For what it's worth, when I was new to POV-Ray, it was confusing because
> nowhere did it actually say "POV-Ray doesn't make animations."
Perhaps you mean "POV-Ray doesn't create video files", which is a
completely different thing?
#macro M(A,N,D,L)plane{-z,-9pigment{mandel L*9translate N color_map{[0rgb x]
[1rgb 9]}scale<D,D*3D>*1e3}rotate y*A*8}#end M(-3<1.206434.28623>70,7)M(
-1<.7438.1795>1,20)M(1<.77595.13699>30,20)M(3<.75923.07145>80,99)// - Warp -
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On Fri, 25 Feb 2005 15:36:44 -0500, Tim Cook <z99### [at] bellsouth net>
>standard-sided wall plates for a light switch and outlet. figured i'd
>share some of the basic components i've made. i'll be making some
>others as i get to needing to model them to put in the 3d model of my
>reisdence on which i'm working. figured people'd appreciate pre-made
>standard architectural elements so's they can focus on modelling the
>unique stuff...
Right, good idea. I did not recognize them as our switch plates are
square and the outlets have the sockets built in. Have you uploaded
them to the Moray site?
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Stephen McAvoy wrote:
> Right, good idea. I did not recognize them as our switch plates are
> square and the outlets have the sockets built in. Have you uploaded
> them to the Moray site?
The 'upload.mdl' on the Moray site won't load in Moray 3.5...says it's
DOS only. *shrug*
Tim Cook
Version: 3.12
GFA dpu- s: a?-- C++(++++) U P? L E--- W++(+++)>$
N++ o? K- w(+) O? M-(--) V? PS+(+++) PE(--) Y(--)
PGP-(--) t* 5++>+++++ X+ R* tv+ b++(+++) DI
D++(---) G(++) e*>++ h+ !r--- !y--
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On Fri, 25 Feb 2005 16:46:09 -0500, Tim Cook <z99### [at] bellsouth net>
>The 'upload.mdl' on the Moray site won't load in Moray 3.5...says it's
>DOS only. *shrug*
That may explain why the Last update was: 29th October 2001
Someone should report it to Lutz (Hint :-)
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