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i'm working on a trebuchet, that i should have animated. The problem is,
that i gotta have a piece rotating around a centerpoint in a circle. I'm
going to use cos and sin functions to get the x and y coordinates like
A=angle r=radius
The problem is, that when i use it, either the POV-Ray, or my calculator are
calculating wrong - most likely POV-Ray. my .pov code looks like this:
#include "woods.inc"
declare beam = box{<0,0,0><1,1,1>
#declare ANGLE = 1; /*change this to 1,2,3 etc.*/
object{beam scale<1.9,35.56,1.27> translate<0,43,2.54> translate
x*cos(ANGLE)*-22.86 translate y*sin(ANGLE)*-22.86}
For me, it just looks like the beam is jumping around, rather than following
a circular pattern, which it should do.
Hope you can help me.
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take in count that pov rotates objects en degrees, but count sin and cos
functions in radians, then
object {XX rotate x*cos(30),
use a conversion inside de cos function
object {XX rotate x*cos(radians(30))}
B Gimeno
light_source {0,1}#local C=cylinder{x*-2,x*2,.9}difference{box{-1,1}object{C
pigment {red 1}}object{C rotate y*90 pigment{green 1}}object{C rotate z*90
pigment{blue 1}} pigment{rgb 3}rotate 45 translate z*4}
> i'm working on a trebuchet, that i should have animated. The problem is,
> that i gotta have a piece rotating around a centerpoint in a circle. I'm
> going to use cos and sin functions to get the x and y coordinates like
> this:
> cos(A)*r=x
> sin(A)*r=y
> A=angle r=radius
> The problem is, that when i use it, either the POV-Ray, or my calculator
> calculating wrong - most likely POV-Ray. my .pov code looks like this:
> ----------------------------------
> #include "woods.inc"
> declare beam = box{<0,0,0><1,1,1>
> texture{T_Wood20}
> }
> #declare ANGLE = 1; /*change this to 1,2,3 etc.*/
> object{beam scale<1.9,35.56,1.27> translate<0,43,2.54> translate
> x*cos(ANGLE)*-22.86 translate y*sin(ANGLE)*-22.86}
> --------------------------------------------
> For me, it just looks like the beam is jumping around, rather than
> a circular pattern, which it should do.
> Hope you can help me.
> -Tjeiken
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"Tjeiken" <nomail@nomail> wrote in message
> ... snip .... I'm going to use cos and sin functions to get the x and y
> coordinates ... snip ...
> The problem is, that when i use it, either the POV-Ray, or my calculator
> are calculating wrong ... snip ...
> Hope you can help me.
> -Tjeiken
It's not just that sin() and cos() are in Radians is it?
If you're thinking in Degrees you need sind() and cosd().
Chris B.
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"B. Gimeno" <nos### [at] ya com> wrote in message
> take in count that pov rotates objects en degrees, but count sin and cos
> functions in radians, then
> instead
> object {XX rotate x*cos(30),
> use a conversion inside de cos function
> object {XX rotate x*cos(radians(30))}
> --
> B Gimeno
Yes, the following rotates the wood beam in a complete circle:
camera {location -100*z up y right image_width/image_height*x look_at 50*y}
light_source {<100,100,-100>,1}
#include "colors.inc"
#include "woods.inc"
declare beam = box {
texture {T_Wood20}
#declare ANGLE = radians(clock*360);
object {
scale <1.9,35.56,1.27>
translate <cos(ANGLE)*-22.86,43+sin(ANGLE)*-22.86,2.54>
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Chris B <c_b### [at] btconnect com> wrote:
> If you're thinking in Degrees you need sind() and cosd().
Need? Not really. He *can* use them, but that's not the same as need. :)
He can just use sin(radians(angle)) and cos(radians(angle)).
#macro N(D)#if(D>99)cylinder{M()#local D=div(D,104);M().5,2pigment{rgb M()}}
N(D)#end#end#macro M()<mod(D,13)-6mod(div(D,13)8)-3,10>#end blob{
N(11117333955)N(4254934330)N(3900569407)N(7382340)N(3358)N(970)}// - Warp -
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In article <web.4217a68c1eb30463d977fb9c0@news.povray.org>,
"Tjeiken" <nomail@nomail> wrote:
>>i'm working on a trebuchet, that i should have animated. The problem is,
>>that i gotta have a piece rotating around a centerpoint in a circle. I'm
>>going to use cos and sin functions to get the x and y coordinates like
>>A=angle r=radius
>>The problem is, that when i use it, either the POV-Ray, or my calculator are
>>calculating wrong - most likely POV-Ray. my .pov code looks like this:
>>#include "woods.inc"
>>declare beam = box{<0,0,0><1,1,1>
>>#declare ANGLE = 1; /*change this to 1,2,3 etc.*/
>>object{beam scale<1.9,35.56,1.27> translate<0,43,2.54> translate
>>x*cos(ANGLE)*-22.86 translate y*sin(ANGLE)*-22.86}
>>For me, it just looks like the beam is jumping around, rather than following
>>a circular pattern, which it should do.
>>Hope you can help me.
yes use sind() and cosd() like this :
#macro sind(deg_angle) sin(radians(deg_angle)) #end
#macro cosd(deg_angle) cos(radians(deg_angle)) #end
#declare a = 30; // 30 degrees
#debug concat("\n sin(",str(a,0,0),") = ",str(sind(a),14,12))
#debug concat("\n cos(",str(a,0,0),") = ",str(cosd(a),14,12))
#debug "\n\n"
hope that help
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Thx for all the help.. it works as it is supposed to now :)
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