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Hi, Dear forum members,
Does anyone know a good introductory book on isosurface?
Thank you in advance for your help.
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Not a book ... but on the POV-Ray wiki
There is a page on isosurface with links to some good articles.
"Coconut_Crab" <jac### [at] yahoo com> wrote in message
> Hi, Dear forum members,
> Does anyone know a good introductory book on isosurface?
> Thank you in advance for your help.
> Coco
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In article <web.420964ec1f81395cc7b4d4640@news.povray.org>,
"Coconut_Crab" <jac### [at] yahoo com> wrote:
>>Hi, Dear forum members,
>>Does anyone know a good introductory book on isosurface?
>>Thank you in advance for your help.
i think, the one and only one is online at :
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Thank you everyone.
But does anyone know a book that deals with this specific topic? Like maybe
if someone can tell me who invented the idea of isosurface, then I can go
look for books written by this author.
Or I think a good introductory book on 3D geometry will also be of good
Thanks in advance.
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Coconut_Crab wrote:
> Thank you everyone.
> But does anyone know a book that deals with this specific topic? Like maybe
> if someone can tell me who invented the idea of isosurface, then I can go
> look for books written by this author.
> Or I think a good introductory book on 3D geometry will also be of good
> help.
> Thanks in advance.
> Coco
I always thought it was invented by Ron Parker ;)
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