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In the scene I'm currently playing with the camera is in a room with the
walls, floor and ceiling made of boxes in a union together. If I don't
have a photons section in my global_settings no warnings are generated.
But when I do add the photons section POV-Ray reports, "Slab Building
Warning: Camera is inside a non-hollow object. Fog and participating media
may not work as expected."
What is the difference with photons or not? Is there a way to prevent the
warning? I don't plan on using media in this scene, but I'd still like to
know the cause.
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> In the scene I'm currently playing with the camera is in a room with the
> walls, floor and ceiling made of boxes in a union together. If I don't
> have a photons section in my global_settings no warnings are generated.
> But when I do add the photons section POV-Ray reports, "Slab Building
> Warning: Camera is inside a non-hollow object. Fog and participating media
> may not work as expected."
> What is the difference with photons or not? Is there a way to prevent the
> warning? I don't plan on using media in this scene, but I'd still like to
> know the cause.
What is strange is you don't get the warning without photons
I get it but I don't care if I don't use atmospheric media or fog
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"Marc Jacquier" <jac### [at] wanadoo fr> wrote:
> What is strange is you don't get the warning without photons
> I get it but I don't care if I don't use atmospheric media or fog
I'm thinking it is strange that I get the warning at all. The camera is in
the hole inside the union. It should be empty space. That is one of the
reasons I made each wall a seperate box instead of using planes or one big
box for the whole room. I really was (subconsciously) trying to avoid
having the camera inside a non-hollow object.
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Chris Meadors nous apporta ses lumieres en ce 2005-02-01 11:45:
> "Marc Jacquier" <jac### [at] wanadoo fr> wrote:
>>What is strange is you don't get the warning without photons
>>I get it but I don't care if I don't use atmospheric media or fog
> I'm thinking it is strange that I get the warning at all. The camera is in
> the hole inside the union. It should be empty space. That is one of the
> reasons I made each wall a seperate box instead of using planes or one big
> box for the whole room. I really was (subconsciously) trying to avoid
> having the camera inside a non-hollow object.
Do you have any light outside that room? It may be that when you shoot photons, some
of them only
hit one transparent surface when entering the room. Another possible cause would be
that your boxes
meet exactly corner to corner, try enlarging the boxes so that they overlap somewhat.
You may also use a single box with the hollow modifier.
Those are shoots in the dark, as I don't have your scene.
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On Tue, 2005-02-01 at 17:24 -0500, Alain wrote:
> Chris Meadors nous apporta ses lumieres en ce 2005-02-01 11:45:
> > I'm thinking it is strange that I get the warning at all. The camera is in
> > the hole inside the union. It should be empty space. That is one of the
> > reasons I made each wall a seperate box instead of using planes or one big
> > box for the whole room. I really was (subconsciously) trying to avoid
> > having the camera inside a non-hollow object.
> >
> >
> Do you have any light outside that room? It may be that when you shoot photons, some
of them only
> hit one transparent surface when entering the room. Another possible cause would be
that your boxes
> meet exactly corner to corner, try enlarging the boxes so that they overlap
> You may also use a single box with the hollow modifier.
> Those are shoots in the dark, as I don't have your scene.
It is the former. The lights are actually stuffed up in holes
differenced in the ceiling. It is caused by the angle at which some of
them enter (I had a hard time making a sample scene to reproduce the
problem with because not every light source triggered it).
I knew it wasn't the latter as I always make sure my unions and
differences extend past the point of just touching.
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