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hi,what i have to make to convert one .obj to mesh povray?
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as1### [at] sapo pt news:web.41fa1281421165ab8e2917ac0@news.povray.org
> hi,what i have to make to convert one .obj to mesh povray?
Poseray - http://user.txcyber.com/~sgalls/
# Imports 3D models into POV-Ray, Moray or converts them into Wavefront
# PoseRay Imports:
* Wavefront (OBJ & MTL)
* 3D studio (3DS)
* LightWave (LWO) version 5.5, 6.5+ and later
* AutoCAD (DXF)
* Moray (UDO) Moray 3.5
* Raw triangle (RAW)
# PoseRay Exports:
* POV-Ray scene with camera, lights, materials and geometry (POV, INC)
* Wavefront (OBJ & MTL) compatible with other applications
* Moray (UDO, INC) Object and include file with geometry and materials
Rafal Maj 'Raf256', home page - http://www.raf256.com/me/
Computer Graphics
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Google for Poseray. :-)
"Tim Nikias v2.0"
Homepage: <http://www.nolights.de>
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See also:
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stone wrote:
> hi,what i have to make to convert one .obj to mesh povray?
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On Fri, 28 Jan 2005 05:22:57 EST, "stone" <as1### [at] sapo pt> wrote:
>hi,what i have to make to convert one .obj to mesh povray?
try 3DWin at www.tb-software.com
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