"Ken" <nomail@nomail> wrote in message
> There is a nice interview with Gilles at the cgarchitect.com web site.
> Mentions Poray.
> Ken Matassa
It's actually at www.123d.com (though linked from cgarchitect.com). It was
already mentioned 2 posts below. It's "Gilles Tran". It's "POV-Ray".
You're a different "Ken". I'm being a tad obnoxious. ;-)
Anyway, it was an interesting read. It makes me proud. :-)
Ok, now I'm going to launch into something which will sound completely
flattering, but it's true. I first started using POV-Ray after 3.5 came
out, when it was mentioned on Slashdot. Someone on Slashdot posted a link
to Oyonale. I was AMAZED! I had no idea that such things could be
accomplished without working for Pixar or something, and maybe not even
then! From there, I became obsessed for a couple weeks. I POV'd like a
mad-man. I started creating objects left and right, I started modelling my
basement "just because I could." But through this whole time, I would
frequently go back to Gilles' site and stare at the pictures. He became
larger than life to me. Well, at some point in late 2002, I came across
these newsgroups. "OMG! That Gilles Tran guy posts here!" Since then,
I've learned that he is indeed human, but even so, his artwork still stands
as a testament to what can be (and has been) done with POV. Gilles has made
a tremendous contribution to POV-Ray, just by using it.
Thank you.
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