I used to be able to specify the color and transparency, among other
details, for each element of a blob. Sence I have installed Version 3.6.1 I
get a syntax error for the following:
sphere { <2.07528,-0.466271,1.3702>, 0.718033, 1
texture { pigment { color rgb <0.692601,0.737684,0.5> } }
pigment { color rgbt <0.69260,0.73768,0.50000,0.37680> }}
finish { ambient 1}
scale <1,1,1>
rotate <0,0,0>
translate <0,0,0>
Where if I change it to:
sphere { <2.07528,-0.466271,1.3702>, 0.718033, 1
It works. What am I doing wrong, or how do I fix this?
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> I used to be able to specify the color and transparency, among other
> details, for each element of a blob. Sence I have installed Version 3.6.1
> get a syntax error for the following:
You should state what the syntax error *is*, and where exactly it appeared.
I think the problem is that you're specifying a finish for the whole blob,
and you have to choose between either texturing each component or the whole
blob, but not both. So try moving the finish into each of the individual
component texture blocks.
- Slime
[ http://www.slimeland.com/ ]
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Is there a limit on the number of objects that can be in a blob?
I have a script with about 50,000 lines and about 20,000 objects that doesnt
show up in rendering, but when I delete 19,990 of thoes objects I can see
something in the rendered file.
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