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hello I was trying to make a sphere sweep. Mind you I haven't tried it
before. this is what I put...
sphere_sweep {
<.15, 16.76, -.66>, .08
<.35, 16.86, -.66>, .08
<.55, 16.9, -.56>, .08
<.75, 16.86, -.46>, .08
<.95, 16.76, -.32>, .08
I get the error message "numeric value expected but "}" found instead. I
used the example from the povhelp as an aid. what is missng?
Thank you.
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nomail@nomail news:web.41c3aa7d56b37650407e4f500@news.povray.org
> 10,
> <.15, 16.76, -.66>, .08
> <.35, 16.86, -.66>, .08
> <.55, 16.9, -.56>, .08
> <.75, 16.86, -.46>, .08
> <.95, 16.76, -.32>, .08
YOu declared to use 10 points, but then used only 5
Rafal Maj 'Raf256', home page - http://www.raf256.com/me/
Computer Graphics
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> YOu declared to use 10 points, but then used only 5
> --
> http://www.raf256.com/3d/
> Rafal Maj 'Raf256', home page - http://www.raf256.com/me/
> Computer Graphics
Doh. thanks. I misunderstood the directions then.
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