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Hello. I am doing a picture of a white tiger. I almost have the body
complete. what is stumping me is doing the stripes. I started using
image_maps which seems to work. But I have to create each image_map picture
by hand. Is there any formulaic way to generate black stripes on a white
background using pigments or patterns? Thank you.
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Barehunter wrote:
> Hello. I am doing a picture of a white tiger. I almost have the body
> complete. what is stumping me is doing the stripes. I started using
> image_maps which seems to work. But I have to create each image_map picture
> by hand. Is there any formulaic way to generate black stripes on a white
> background using pigments or patterns? Thank you.
You use orthographic camera and apply any pigment pattern you want to a
surface. The technique is used often in POV.
A classic example would be the water texture in:
But one thing you might look at, that you might not ordinarily think of
and because it is much like drawing is the object pattern. The trick
is to generate a texture list where the layered textures use a
transparent pigment for the outer part of the pattern
camera {
location <0,0,-1> // position & direction of view
look_at <0,0,0>
right 1*x // horizontal size of view
up 1*y // vertical size of view
#local Sd = seed(1234);
box { // this box fits exactly in view
<-0.5, -0.5, 0>, <0.5, 0.5, 0>
texture { finish { ambient 1 diffuse 0 } pigment { rgb <1, 1, 1> } }
#local i=0;#while( i<20 )
texture { finish { ambient 1 diffuse 0 }
pigment {
object {
sphere { 0 .04*rand(Sd) }
color rgbt 1
color rgb <1,0,0>
translate <rand(Sd)-.5,rand(Sd)-.5,0>
#local i=i+1;#end
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> You use orthographic camera
thanks for the suggestion. While the formula you put down is greek to me at
this point, I copy pasted it and tried it in it's own pov file. I got a
white surface with a bunch of red spots. Not exactly what I had in mind.
Thanks for the suggestion, thoiugh.
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Barehunter wrote:
>>You use orthographic camera
> snip
> thanks for the suggestion. While the formula you put down is greek to me at
> this point, I copy pasted it and tried it in it's own pov file. I got a
> white surface with a bunch of red spots. Not exactly what I had in mind.
> Thanks for the suggestion, thoiugh.
The point is that you might arrange the spots or whatever's manually or
with program loops to get the combined advange of manual control and
programming loops. My example used random locations for the spheres
which generated the red shapes but you might equally have exerted more
camera {
location <0,0,-1> // position & direction of view
look_at <0,0,0>
right 1*x // horizontal size of view
up 1*y // vertical size of view
#local Sd = seed(1234);
box { // this box fits exactly in view
<-0.5, -0.5, 0>, <0.5, 0.5, 0>
texture { finish { ambient 1 diffuse 0 } pigment { rgb <1, 1, 1> } }
#local i=1;#while( i<20 )
texture { finish { ambient 1 diffuse 0 }
pigment {
object {
sphere { 0 .01
scale <1,50,1>
translate < i*.05-.5,0,0>
color rgbt 1 //outside color
color rgb <1-.02*i,0,0> //inside color
#local i=i+1;#end
The object pattern creates a color shape where the object named, in this
case a sphere, intersects with the surface being textured. You can
create several of these color shapes on the same surface by using each
in its own texture which is then layered over the previous. Layered
textures work because part of the pigment can be made transparent and
the underlaying colors show through. I only mentioned it to you
because it might be useful for drawing a regular pattern such as stripes
where you would still have some control over placement of the shapes.
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