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Dear NG,
I lack much knowledge on many of the features of PovRay. So I better ask the
people here who are more knowledgeable than me, before I try this out.
Is this
possible on PovRay?
(I didn't understand it 100%) but it seems to be only UV-mapping..
(uh..uhm.. I'm not sure if Texture-mapping is also a UV-mapping.. in fact I
don't know what UV-mapping exactly is..) but there is also opacity mapping
(sorry if this is also a UV-mapping.. but I have the feeling that it is
Sorry for my stupidity, I'll read more on UV-mapping when I get the time.
Is there a way one can make the tutorial above PovRayable?
Thanks in advance
Jose Capco
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Wasn't it ShiJie who wrote:
>Dear NG,
>I lack much knowledge on many of the features of PovRay. So I better ask the
>people here who are more knowledgeable than me, before I try this out.
>Is this
>possible on PovRay?
>(I didn't understand it 100%) but it seems to be only UV-mapping..
>(uh..uhm.. I'm not sure if Texture-mapping is also a UV-mapping.. in fact I
>don't know what UV-mapping exactly is..) but there is also opacity mapping
>(sorry if this is also a UV-mapping.. but I have the feeling that it is
>Sorry for my stupidity, I'll read more on UV-mapping when I get the time.
>Is there a way one can make the tutorial above PovRayable?
Opacity mapping is something slightly different. You achieve it in POV
something like this:
#declare HairTex = texture {
pigment_pattern {image_map {png "opacity.png" interpolate 2}}
texture_map {
[0 pigment {rgbt <0,0,0,1>}]
[1 pigment {image_map {png "texture.png" interpolate 2}}]
What happens with this code is that you use two image maps. The first
one is your opacity map and the second contains a conventional pigment
The opacity map is a greyscale image. Where it is black (value 0) we've
told POV to use the texture {pigment {rgbt <0,0,0,1>}} which is
completely transparent. Where the opacity map is white (value 1) we've
told POV to use texture {pigment {image_map {jpeg "texture.jpg"
interpolate 2}}}. Where the opacity map is grey, POV produces a blend of
the two textures.
The tutorial also uses a specularity map. The main purpose of this is to
ensure that the transparent bits don't have highlights. I suggest using
the same map for opacity and specularity, which makes things much easier
in POV. All you have to do is to ensure that the invisible texture has a
finish that is completely matt (which is the default) and the visible
texture contains shiny finish parameters.
Mike Williams
Gentleman of Leisure
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Thanks for your help! I wrote a pov with this code
#declare HairTex = texture {
pigment_pattern {image_map {jpeg "Hair-Opa.jpg" interpolate 2}}
texture_map {
[0 pigment {rgbt <0,0,0,1>}]
[1 pigment {image_map {jpeg "Hair.jpg" interpolate 2 }}]
#declare strands =
intersection {
sphere { <0, 0, 0> 1 }
sphere { <0, 0, 0> .99 inverse}
box{ <-1.5, 0, 1.5> < 1.5, 1.5, -1.5> rotate x*-10}
box{ <-1.5, 0, 1.5> < 1.5, -1.5, -1.5> rotate x*10}
plane{x, 0}
rotate z*90
//scale .5
object {strands texture{HairTex} scale 2 translate y*2 }
and it looked like this
(I didn't render it with anti-alias and good resolution, but it looks fine)
I didn't get to make it a little more shinier (I guess that's where the
specularity map comes to play.. ). I don't exactly know how this is done, I
can't call a "finish" in the texture if I already have a texture_map. Any
advises? Thanks again. The hair is perfect for the character I am about to
finish I just have to produce copy of the strands around the scalp and I
have a nice hair and I can even make styles out of it.
Jose Capco
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Wasn't it ShiJie who wrote:
>#declare HairTex = texture {
> pigment_pattern {image_map {jpeg "Hair-Opa.jpg" interpolate 2}}
> texture_map {
> [0 pigment {rgbt <0,0,0,1>}]
> [1 pigment {image_map {jpeg "Hair.jpg" interpolate 2 }}]
> }
>I didn't get to make it a little more shinier (I guess that's where the
>specularity map comes to play.. ). I don't exactly know how this is done, I
>can't call a "finish" in the texture if I already have a texture_map. Any
The thing is that you don't want the {rgbt <0,0,0,1>} bit to be shiny
because there'd be shininess in the gaps between the hairs. So what you
do is only apply your shiny finish{} to the visible bits, thus using the
same map to control opacity and shininess. Something like this:
#declare HairTex = texture {
pigment_pattern {image_map {jpeg "Hair-Opa.jpg" interpolate 2}}
texture_map {
[0 pigment {rgbt <0,0,0,1>}]
[1 texture {
pigment {image_map {jpeg "Hair.jpg" interpolate 2 }}
finish {phong 1 phong_size 10}
Mike Williams
Gentleman of Leisure
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