Dear POV-Ray community,
it's time say "Thank You" for all the help i got from You.
A lot of people helped me to create the final beta version of the CrystalPOV
macro. It's a small tool espacially designed for Chemists to easyly prepare
animations of molecular structures. It looks like i'm at the end of my
knowledge, because i simply have no ideas how to improve the macro more.
It's still a beta version and not totally completed, but even now it's
working fine and does all the things which are needed by chemists.
Big and special thanks go to :
Chris Colefax :
for creating the nice galaxy and Autoclck.mcr, which helped a lot in the
realization of my wishes.
Florian Brucker :
for a lot of very usefull basic hints and hits how to decrease parsing times
Warp :
for giving me an idea how to get things rotating
Tor Olav Kristensen :
for giving me an introduction to functions
Rune :
for a very useful spline. That thing made my life much easier :).
for providing a perfect and very useful german "How to use POV-Ray"
Tutorial. I learned nearly everything i know about POV-Ray from Your site.
If someone should have some fast rendering, nice looking scenes, i would be
happy to implement them in the macro for additional choises ( up to now
only 4 different scenes can be chosen) for the visualization of the
molecular structure. Something like nice sky spheres, or planes with nice
textures ....... .
You still don't know what CrystalPOV is ? Please visit :
There are some sample movies also, which were all prepared using CrystalPOV.
Have fun, and thanks for all YOur help.
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Hi Shu!
I'm glad I could help ;)
Nice animations, BTW!
camera{look_at-y*10location<8,-3,-8>*10}#local a=0;#while(a<999)sphere{
#local _=.01*a-4.99;#local p=a*.01-5;#local c=.01*a-4.995;<sin(p*pi)*5p
*10pow(p,5)*.01>sin(c*c*c*.1)+1pigment{rgb 3}}#local a=a+1;#end
/******** http://www.torfbold.com ******** http://www.imp.org ********/
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