> how usefull would it be to have an embedded database in POV-Ray? What kind
> of things could one do then? Could it be helpfull for particle systems?
> Could it be helpfull for keeping persistent data between rendering frames
> of an animation?
The current Version of pov allows to read/write files.
This is the same as reading/writing database-entries.
Just with a "real" database, you can handle more different items very
What you could do, is to write a script e.g. in PHP, and use it's
This script might be used to write an .inc -file, that directly can be
included by povray.
you can find a quite old program (pov-shell002) written in Gtk-Perl, that
generates Pov-Scripts to display Diagrams (I never finished it, I just
mention it to give an idea).
Instead of typing in diagram-data, you might read them in with the
sql-functions of perl.
Greets, Mark
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in news:web.418a91bde4dee74da3009e2a0@news.povray.org Mark Ulrich wrote:
> What you could do, is to write a script e.g. in PHP, and use it's
> database-functions.
> This script might be used to write an .inc -file, that directly can be
> included by povray.
I did something like that using python and pySQLite. The one thing it does
not give you is interaction with the elements of the scene while parsing.
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