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This is a mac install (OS X 10.3.5 G5)
as instructed by the text next to the downloaded folder "coppy to hard disk"
I coppyed to "macintosh HD" Opened it up and tryed to run. I have removed
and re instaled it a few times thinking that might help, nothing
The link came from
Functions.inc is in the include file. The include file is in the pov ray
file. I have not toutched any of this.
Is there any documentation on the setup of this program, the only
documentation I have found seems to assume that I already have it up and
also im cureous about the +L library stuff, do i need to set certian files
in the Pov-Ray 3.6 folder to library files, if so how do i do that (or
where do i learn how to do that) ?
Thanks to anyone who responds.
I REALY want to see what i can do with this program
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In article <web.416d62cdb7f8f29a996174c30@news.povray.org>,
"John Conaway" <jcc### [at] yahoo com> wrote:
>>This is a mac install (OS X 10.3.5 G5)
>>as instructed by the text next to the downloaded folder "coppy to hard disk"
>>I coppyed to "macintosh HD" Opened it up and tryed to run. I have removed
>>and re instaled it a few times thinking that might help, nothing
>>The link came from
>>Functions.inc is in the include file. The include file is in the pov ray
>>file. I have not toutched any of this.
>>Is there any documentation on the setup of this program, the only
>>documentation I have found seems to assume that I already have it up and
>>also im cureous about the +L library stuff, do i need to set certian files
>>in the Pov-Ray 3.6 folder to library files, if so how do i do that (or
>>where do i learn how to do that) ?
>>Thanks to anyone who responds.
>>I REALY want to see what i can do with this program
i don't know why you have this kind of problem... but, try to give
to povray, path to the 'includes' folder :
Edit -> Preferences -> Scenes, than add path to 'includes'
hope that help.
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"John Conaway" <jcc### [at] yahoo com> wrote in message
> This is a mac install (OS X 10.3.5 G5)
> The link came from
That appears to be correct...
> Functions.inc is in the include file. The include file is in the pov ray
> file. I have not toutched any of this.
Okay... except you refer to 'include' being a 'file' which contains
'functions.inc' - 'include' should be a folder/directory containing a file
called 'functions.inc' - you have expanded the downloaded file using
stuffit, haven't you?
> Is there any documentation on the setup of this program, the only
> documentation I have found seems to assume that I already have it up and
> running.
I don't know macs, but is there a standard file-name for setup programs?
> also im cureous about the +L library stuff, do i need to set certian files
> in the Pov-Ray 3.6 folder to library files, if so how do i do that (or
> where do i learn how to do that) ?
No - you shouldn't need the +L option for the particular file that is
causing you problems. The include folder is a standard folder. The +L is
only needed for non-standard include-folders (normal caveats about me not
being a mac-user apply).
For some reason or other, your current 'install' doesn't seem to be looking
in the standard directories for this standard file.
It really does sound as though you haven't run some installer program, which
would set these options (or not unstuffed the download).
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"John Conaway" <jcc### [at] yahoo com> wrote in message
: Functions.inc is in the include file. The include file is in the pov ray
: file. I have not toutched any of this.
What does this mean? I know nothing about the Mac version,
but what you say here doesn't make sense to me. Functions.inc
*is* an include file.
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In article <416d83ec@news.povray.org> , "Tom Melly" <pov### [at] tomandlu co uk>
> It really does sound as though you haven't run some installer program, which
> would set these options (or not unstuffed the download).
Tom, please stop confusing this poor user. It should be rather clear that
whatever you expect is not the case. The Mac version does not need and
never needed an installer - ever! The instructions are very clear, all a
user has to do is copy the POV-Ray folder to the harddisk.
Thorsten Froehlich, Duisburg, Germany
e-mail: tho### [at] trf de
Visit POV-Ray on the web: http://mac.povray.org
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"Thorsten Froehlich" <tho### [at] trf de> wrote in message
> Tom, please stop confusing this poor user.
<sotto_voce>sorry thorsten and john</sotto_voce>
As a compensation to john...
John, work out why the green sphere changes size and moves, and the blue
sphere changes size but stays in one place when you change the value of
'myScale' in this scene file... it'll probably save you some frustration
later on...
#version 3.6;
#declare myScale = 2;
camera {
location z*-10
look_at 0
light_source {
<0, 0, 0>
color rgb 1
translate z*-30
// doesn't move relative to <0,0,0>
0, 1
scale myScale
translate x*-2
pigment{rgb <0,0,1>}
// moves relative to <0,0,0>
translate x*2
scale myScale
pigment{rgb <0,1,0>}
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