> Is there still some possibility to add depth.pov into this?
The easiest and more flexible way would probably to just use a texture with
What you do is use the spherical pigment and apply an appropriate color_map
to it. The only things it needs is the location of the camera. Here's the
code you'd need for that:
#declare Camera_Location = <0,0,0>;
#declare Depth_MaxDistance = 10;
#declare Depth_MinDistance = 0;
#declare Depth_MaxColor = <0,0,0>;
#declare Depth_MinColor = <1,1,1>;
#declare Depth_Pigment=
scale Depth_MaxDistance
[0 rgb Depth_MinColor]
#if (Depth_MinDistance) [Depth_MinDistance/Depth_MaxDistance rgb
Depth_MinColor] #end
[1 rgb Depth_MaxColor]
translate Camera_Location
Then, to match the background color to the furthest depth, just use
background{rgb Depth_MaxDistance}
Just apply the pigment to the object/molecule AFTER the parts have been
moved into place, otherwise the texture will get moved as well, which
destroys the effect it's trying to achieve.
Hope that helps!
"Tim Nikias v2.0"
Homepage: <http://www.nolights.de>
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