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Dear PoVRay gurus
I would like to render a picture of object (protein)
with a depth cueing. Simple z-oriented ground fog does
not work because if the fog distance is too small the
picture is almost white and when it is large there is
almost no depth-cueing efect. I tried hollow box with
interior fading and this works well with black
box {
<-30, -30, -30>
< 30, 30, 30>
texture {pigment {color rgbft <0,0,0,0,1>}}
hollow interior {fade_power 2 fade_distance 7 fade_color Black }
The size of the box is set to approx. fit the object.
I would like to do the same with white background and
white fog but changing the background, fade_color and
pigment color to white causes that there is no depth
cueing. Is it possible to use this with white colour?
Is there any other solution?
Vojtech Spiwok
Dept. of Biochem. and Microbiol.
ICT in Prague
Czech Republic
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Wasn't it Vojtech Spiwok who wrote:
>Dear PoVRay gurus
>I would like to render a picture of object (protein)
>with a depth cueing. Simple z-oriented ground fog does
>not work because if the fog distance is too small the
>picture is almost white and when it is large there is
>almost no depth-cueing efect. I tried hollow box with
>interior fading and this works well with black
>box {
> <-30, -30, -30>
> < 30, 30, 30>
> texture {pigment {color rgbft <0,0,0,0,1>}}
> hollow interior {fade_power 2 fade_distance 7 fade_color Black }
>The size of the box is set to approx. fit the object.
>I would like to do the same with white background and
>white fog but changing the background, fade_color and
>pigment color to white causes that there is no depth
>cueing. Is it possible to use this with white colour?
>Is there any other solution?
Depth cueing is back as a post-process effect in MegaPOV 1.1 (it wasn't
in MegaPOV 1.0) so now you don't have to go back to MegaPOV 0.8 which
used the old POV 3.1 syntax.
With 1.1 you can take your POV 3.6 scene and add the post-processing
code from the "depth.pov" example scene.
Mike Williams
Gentleman of Leisure
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On Thu, 23 Sep 2004 19:00:50 +0100, Mike Williams <nos### [at] econym demon co uk>
> Depth cueing is back as a post-process effect in MegaPOV 1.1
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Vojtech Spiwok <spi### [at] vscht cz> wrote:
> I would like to render a picture of object (protein)
> with a depth cueing. Simple z-oriented ground fog does
> not work because if the fog distance is too small the
> picture is almost white and when it is large there is
> almost no depth-cueing efect.
How about this?
camera { location -z*8 look_at 0 angle 35 }
light_source { <100,150,-400>, 1 }
{ rgb <1,1,1>
fog_type 2
distance .1
fog_offset -.5
fog_alt .2
up -z
{ sphere { <-1,-1,-1>, .2 }
sphere { <-1,-1, 1>, .2 }
sphere { <-1, 1,-1>, .2 }
sphere { <-1, 1, 1>, .2 }
sphere { < 1,-1,-1>, .2 }
sphere { < 1,-1, 1>, .2 }
sphere { < 1, 1,-1>, .2 }
sphere { < 1, 1, 1>, .2 }
cylinder { <-1,-1,-1>,<-1,-1, 1>, .1 }
cylinder { < 1,-1,-1>,< 1,-1, 1>, .1 }
cylinder { < 1, 1,-1>,< 1, 1, 1>, .1 }
cylinder { <-1, 1,-1>,<-1, 1, 1>, .1 }
cylinder { <-1,-1,-1>,<-1, 1,-1>, .1 }
cylinder { < 1,-1, 1>,< 1, 1, 1>, .1 }
cylinder { < 1,-1,-1>,< 1, 1,-1>, .1 }
cylinder { <-1,-1, 1>,<-1, 1, 1>, .1 }
cylinder { <-1,-1,-1>,< 1,-1,-1>, .1 }
cylinder { <-1, 1, 1>,< 1, 1, 1>, .1 }
cylinder { <-1,-1, 1>,< 1,-1, 1>, .1 }
cylinder { <-1, 1,-1>,< 1, 1,-1>, .1 }
pigment { rgb x } finish { specular .5 }
rotate <-60, -30, 0>
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Warp <war### [at] tag povray org> wrote:
> Vojtech Spiwok <spi### [at] vscht cz> wrote:
> > I would like to render a picture of object (protein)
> > with a depth cueing. Simple z-oriented ground fog does
> > not work because if the fog distance is too small the
> > picture is almost white and when it is large there is
> > almost no depth-cueing efect.
> How about this?
> camera { location -z*8 look_at 0 angle 35 }
> light_source { <100,150,-400>, 1 }
> fog
> { rgb <1,1,1>
> fog_type 2
> distance .1
> fog_offset -.5
> fog_alt .2
> up -z
> }
> union
> { sphere { <-1,-1,-1>, .2 }
> sphere { <-1,-1, 1>, .2 }
> sphere { <-1, 1,-1>, .2 }
> sphere { <-1, 1, 1>, .2 }
> sphere { < 1,-1,-1>, .2 }
> sphere { < 1,-1, 1>, .2 }
> sphere { < 1, 1,-1>, .2 }
> sphere { < 1, 1, 1>, .2 }
> cylinder { <-1,-1,-1>,<-1,-1, 1>, .1 }
> cylinder { < 1,-1,-1>,< 1,-1, 1>, .1 }
> cylinder { < 1, 1,-1>,< 1, 1, 1>, .1 }
> cylinder { <-1, 1,-1>,<-1, 1, 1>, .1 }
> cylinder { <-1,-1,-1>,<-1, 1,-1>, .1 }
> cylinder { < 1,-1, 1>,< 1, 1, 1>, .1 }
> cylinder { < 1,-1,-1>,< 1, 1,-1>, .1 }
> cylinder { <-1,-1, 1>,<-1, 1, 1>, .1 }
> cylinder { <-1,-1,-1>,< 1,-1,-1>, .1 }
> cylinder { <-1, 1, 1>,< 1, 1, 1>, .1 }
> cylinder { <-1,-1, 1>,< 1,-1, 1>, .1 }
> cylinder { <-1, 1,-1>,< 1, 1,-1>, .1 }
> pigment { rgb x } finish { specular .5 }
> rotate <-60, -30, 0>
> }
Simple ground fog works well !!!!!!!
Thank you all very much for your help
Vojtech Spiwok
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