I've tried to add a very simple sor (surface of revolution). In fact it is
the one given on the example :
sor {
<0.000000, 0.000000>
<0.118143, 0.000000>
<0.620253, 0.540084>
<0.210970, 0.827004>
<0.194093, 0.962025>
<0.286920, 1.000000>
<0.468354, 1.033755>
color red 1 green 0 blue 0
ambient 0.2
diffuse 0.6
phong 0.3
phong_size 100
scale <10, 10, 10>
I get a kind of noise around the object. It happens with others sor.
I'm using POV 3.6 under Windows XP
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Try adding 'sturm' to the sor.
plane{-x+y,-1pigment{bozo color_map{[0rgb x][1rgb x+y]}turbulence 1}}
sphere{0,2pigment{rgbt 1}interior{media{emission 1density{spherical
density_map{[0rgb 0][.5rgb<1,.5>][1rgb 1]}turbulence.9}}}scale
<1,1,3>hollow}text{ttf"timrom""Warp".1,0translate<-1,-.1,2>}// - Warp -
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