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Hi everyone,
well, I'm still on my quest to master pov-ray! I want to create a 2D array
of cubes where each cube will have a different single color according to an
image_map. I can easily create the array of cubes with a single color but
the part that I don't know how to do, it's to declare an image map and get
a single color inside the map!?
In a more general manner, I would like to know how to retrieve data inside
the image_map to be use as a generic data inside my POV-RAY code.. so that
I can use a map to store any kind of data that I can use later in the code.
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From: Warp
Subject: Re: How to: use a image_map to retrieve single color?
Date: 4 Sep 2004 15:30:23
Message: <413a17cf@news.povray.org>
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Impress <yha### [at] nospam hotmail com> wrote:
> well, I'm still on my quest to master pov-ray! I want to create a 2D array
> of cubes where each cube will have a different single color according to an
> image_map.
Try this with an image called "test.jpg" (or whatever) in the same
directory as the scene file:
#declare Image =
function { pigment { image_map { jpeg "test.jpg" } } }
#declare ImageWidth = 160;
#declare ImageHeight = 120;
#declare IndY = 0;
#while(IndY < ImageHeight)
#declare IndX = 0;
#while(IndX < ImageWidth)
#declare ImageColor =
Image(IndX/ImageWidth, IndY/ImageHeight, 0);
{ -.4, .4 pigment { color ImageColor }
translate <-ImageWidth/2 + IndX, 0,
-ImageHeight/2 + IndY>
#declare IndX = IndX+1;
#declare IndY = IndY+1;
camera { location <25, 200, -125> look_at 0 angle 35 }
light_source { <200, 500, -100>, 1 }
> In a more general manner, I would like to know how to retrieve data inside
> the image_map to be use as a generic data inside my POV-RAY code.. so that
> I can use a map to store any kind of data that I can use later in the code.
Unfortunately image maps are not data containers which you can modify
freely. Even the trick above is just a workaround to get individual
values from the image map.
#macro N(D)#if(D>99)cylinder{M()#local D=div(D,104);M().5,2pigment{rgb M()}}
N(D)#end#end#macro M()<mod(D,13)-6mod(div(D,13)8)-3,10>#end blob{
N(11117333955)N(4254934330)N(3900569407)N(7382340)N(3358)N(970)}// - Warp -
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> In a more general manner, I would like to know how to retrieve data inside
> the image_map to be use as a generic data inside my POV-RAY code.. so that
> I can use a map to store any kind of data that I can use later in the code.
Use my BMP macros at http://www.ignorancia.org/mmata/bmp.zip
Inside the zip u have a little tutorial in html format and some samples.
Manuel Mata Rueda
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Thank you very much Warp! :)
This is very useful. I modify your example in order to use the value of the
image maps as an individual value. I translate each cube according to the
green component of the picture. It work well, and I think base on that
thing I can use the value to compute any kind of stuff! :)
here it's your example modified...
// create a regular point light source
#declare Image =
function { pigment { image_map { png "firstMap.png" } } }
#declare ImageWidth = 160;
#declare ImageHeight = 120;
#declare IndY = 0;
#while(IndY < ImageHeight)
#declare IndX = 0;
#while(IndX < ImageWidth)
#declare ImageColor =
Image(IndX/ImageWidth, IndY/ImageHeight, 0);
{ -.4, .4 pigment { color ImageColor }
translate <-ImageWidth/2 + IndX, 10.0*ImageColor.green,
-ImageHeight/2 + IndY>
#declare IndX = IndX+1;
#declare IndY = IndY+1;
camera { location <25, 200, -125> look_at 0 angle 35 }
light_source { <200, 500, -100>, 1 }
// ------------
btw, I modified the filename to match the file that I put in my test dir.
but you probably figure it out... ;)
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