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Hallo an alle PovRay-Interessierten.
Das PovRay-Forum unter der URL
ist umgezogen und nun auf einem werbefreien Server zuhause.
Ich hoffe auf rege Teilnahme ;)
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Aztech wrote:
> Hallo an alle PovRay-Interessierten.
> Das PovRay-Forum unter der URL
> http://www.povray-forum.de.vu/
> ist umgezogen und nun auf einem werbefreien Server zuhause.
> Ich hoffe auf rege Teilnahme ;)
> MfG
> Aztech
Most likely this has already been discussed here, but what about a
newsgroup for german speaking POV-Ray users here on this server?
I think most german speaking users will read the english newsgroups as
well, but having a german one would help those who have difficulties in
formulating their questions in english...
Of course there's p.international, but IMHO it would make sense to split
it into p.i.deutsch, p.i.francois, p.i.espanol, etc...
(And it could need some promotion too :-)
Just a thought.
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Sascha Ledinsky wrote:
>> Hallo an alle PovRay-Interessierten.
>> Das PovRay-Forum unter der URL
>> http://www.povray-forum.de.vu/
>> ist umgezogen und nun auf einem werbefreien Server zuhause.
>> Ich hoffe auf rege Teilnahme ;)
>> MfG
>> Aztech
> Most likely this has already been discussed here, but what about a
> newsgroup for german speaking POV-Ray users here on this server?
> I think most german speaking users will read the english newsgroups as
> well, but having a german one would help those who have difficulties in
> formulating their questions in english...
There is povray.international and considering there is only about one
german language posting every few months there a separate newsgroup
would not make much sense.
If there is enough interest it won't be a problem to create language
specific groups or even split those into several subgroups.
POV-Ray tutorials, include files, Sim-POV,
HCR-Edit and more: http://www.tu-bs.de/~y0013390/
Last updated 06 Jul. 2004 _____./\/^>_*_<^\/\.______
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Christoph Hormann <chr### [at] gmx de> wrote:
> Sascha Ledinsky wrote:
> >
> >> Hallo an alle PovRay-Interessierten.
> >> Das PovRay-Forum unter der URL
> >> http://www.povray-forum.de.vu/
> >> ist umgezogen und nun auf einem werbefreien Server zuhause.
> >> Ich hoffe auf rege Teilnahme ;)
> >> MfG
> >> Aztech
> >>
> >>
> > Most likely this has already been discussed here, but what about a
> > newsgroup for german speaking POV-Ray users here on this server?
> > I think most german speaking users will read the english newsgroups as
> > well, but having a german one would help those who have difficulties in
> > formulating their questions in english...
> There is povray.international and considering there is only about one
> german language posting every few months there a separate newsgroup
> would not make much sense.
> If there is enough interest it won't be a problem to create language
> specific groups or even split those into several subgroups.
> Christoph
> --
> POV-Ray tutorials, include files, Sim-POV,
> HCR-Edit and more: http://www.tu-bs.de/~y0013390/
> Last updated 06 Jul. 2004 _____.//^>_*_<^/.______
It's the great problem. There are only a few postings in german because
nobody really knows where to write and in which language. Most germans post
in english because there is no german point to read and write ... and more
germans have problem with english.
Because of this trouble I've build the german forum. news.povray.org is a
bad point to find people of own language, sorry.
Hope to get some more user in "my" forum.
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Aztech wrote:
> It's the great problem. There are only a few postings in german because
> nobody really knows where to write and in which language. Most germans post
> in english because there is no german point to read and write ... and more
> germans have problem with english.
That's completely wrong, most Povers in these newsgroups with german as
primary language post in english because it is either more convenient
for them (i have less trouble formulating something POV-Ray related in
english than in german for example) or they know that they reach a much
larger audience by posting in english.
When you have a look at the german language threads in
povray.international you can see that most of the questions made there
have been answered after a short time. A lot of people who can read and
write german are reading this group. The fact that there are so few
threads only indicates that there are very few german POV-Ray users who
can't or do not want to post what they want to say in english.
> Because of this trouble I've build the german forum. news.povray.org is a
> bad point to find people of own language, sorry.
I am not sure what motivates you to post something like this but you
can't seriously claim to be able to assess this.
POV-Ray tutorials, include files, Sim-POV,
HCR-Edit and more: http://www.tu-bs.de/~y0013390/
Last updated 23 Sep. 2004 _____./\/^>_*_<^\/\.______
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