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I've made a graphical color and gradient picker for POVRay that allows you
to visually select a color and automatically create the POV code and to
edit a gradient and automatically create the colormap entries. The
gradient portion has an autofile feature which will automatically save the
entries to a file so you don't have to do a lot of copy/paste. Example:
color_map {
#include "autofile.inc"
This application uses the wxWidgets library. The source is included with
the Windows installer. It has not been built for other platforms.
Download from http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/povcolor
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On Mon, 23 Aug 2004 22:26:38 EDT, "" <nomail@nomail> wrote:
> This application uses the wxWidgets library.
Being wxWidgets developer I'm happy about such application especially that
wxWidgets itself already contains traditional checkered plane scene within its
source tree:
but note that using <nomail@nomail> through Web Interface is not something
which could convince some wary users from downloading anonymous binary
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> but note that using <nomail@nomail> through Web Interface is not something
> which could convince some wary users from downloading anonymous binary
> application.
Sorry about that. I'm new this this particular board here.
Also, the application uses a customized color picker (because I don't like
the ones with most systems). Three gradient bars are available for red,
green, and blue, each showing any color you can get by adjusting to
corresponding slider.
Again the download source is http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/povcolor
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"Allen" <bri### [at] yahoo com> wrote in message
> > but note that using <nomail@nomail> through Web Interface is not
> > which could convince some wary users from downloading anonymous binary
> > application.
> Sorry about that. I'm new this this particular board here.
> Also, the application uses a customized color picker (because I don't like
> the ones with most systems). Three gradient bars are available for red,
> green, and blue, each showing any color you can get by adjusting to
> corresponding slider.
> Again the download source is http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/povcolor
a little help within the program might be usefull. i tried it quickly just
to see what it looked like. With the gradient feature, i clicked on the
autofile button, specified a name, and it didn't create the file. but
strangely, in the recent documents menu or the windows start menu, that
filename appeared. clicking on it failed to find it though.
i'd go with a more standard File->Save or File->Export method.
also, in the color picker, clicking in the red, green or blue color column
doesn't move the marker there, only clicking and dragging moves the marker.
and one last think i noticed, with "Add to custom colors" the colors aren't
preserved after closing and restarting the program.
other than that, nice work. it looks good.
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> a little help within the program might be usefull. i tried it quickly just
> to see what it looked like. With the gradient feature, i clicked on the
> autofile button, specified a name, and it didn't create the file. but
> strangely, in the recent documents menu or the windows start menu, that
> filename appeared. clicking on it failed to find it though.
> i'd go with a more standard File->Save or File->Export method.
> also, in the color picker, clicking in the red, green or blue color column
> doesn't move the marker there, only clicking and dragging moves the marker.
> and one last think i noticed, with "Add to custom colors" the colors aren't
> preserved after closing and restarting the program.
> other than that, nice work. it looks good.
This is just an initial release for now.
I can fix the color picker issue by responding to mouse down events as well
as mouse move events in the slider zone. I'm going to also add support for
storing custom colors and maybe even the gradient or presets of gradients.
I'm also thinking about adding a preview mechanism for the gradient picker
that could load images under a preview directory and then map the grayscale
values to the color map and also display the opacity as a checkered
When you turn autofile on, you have to click choose gradient and click 'ok'
for it to save it. I plan on changing this and changing the output format
to be like the maps included with POVRay: Example
#declare <mapname> = colormap { ... }
This way you can just include it at the top of a file and refer to it by
Also another limitation is that a gradient can have at most
MAX_GRADIENT_ITEMS items since it presently uses an array. I may later
change it to use a list so it can have more items.
Since you used it, how well does the 'alpha' support work in the gradient
dialog specifically in translating it to the POVRay transmit value?
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"Allen" <bri### [at] yahoo com> wrote in message
> > a little help within the program might be usefull. i tried it quickly
> > to see what it looked like. With the gradient feature, i clicked on the
> > autofile button, specified a name, and it didn't create the file. but
> > strangely, in the recent documents menu or the windows start menu, that
> > filename appeared. clicking on it failed to find it though.
> >
> > i'd go with a more standard File->Save or File->Export method.
> >
> > also, in the color picker, clicking in the red, green or blue color
> > doesn't move the marker there, only clicking and dragging moves the
> >
> > and one last think i noticed, with "Add to custom colors" the colors
> > preserved after closing and restarting the program.
> >
> > other than that, nice work. it looks good.
> This is just an initial release for now.
> I can fix the color picker issue by responding to mouse down events as
> as mouse move events in the slider zone. I'm going to also add support
> storing custom colors and maybe even the gradient or presets of gradients.
> I'm also thinking about adding a preview mechanism for the gradient picker
> that could load images under a preview directory and then map the
> values to the color map and also display the opacity as a checkered
> background.
> When you turn autofile on, you have to click choose gradient and click
> for it to save it. I plan on changing this and changing the output format
> to be like the maps included with POVRay: Example
> #declare <mapname> = colormap { ... }
> This way you can just include it at the top of a file and refer to it by
> name.
> Also another limitation is that a gradient can have at most
> MAX_GRADIENT_ITEMS items since it presently uses an array. I may later
> change it to use a list so it can have more items.
> Since you used it, how well does the 'alpha' support work in the gradient
> dialog specifically in translating it to the POVRay transmit value?
Ah, i was clicking autofile after i had made a gradient. I understand now.
I havn't tried using it for anything real. i was mostly playing with the
interface. I think your example of including it above is the way to go. As
for MAX_GRADIENT_ITEMS and using an array, why not use std::vector? i'm
assuming, perhaps wrongly, that you are using C++ (I'm under the impression
that wxWidgets is a C++ toolkit)
Overall, I think it looks good.
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Why can't I post in povray.tools.general from the web interface?
Anyways, I've released two different versions or POVColor, 1.3 and 1.5
1.3 uses the old gradient system. 1.5 has been changed to use a new
gradient system that I think may be more compatible with POVRay. They both
are available at www.sourceforge.net/projects/povcolor
In the new gradient system, each item has a left bound color and a right
bound color, so you can basically have two different colors at one point
without the need for two items at the same point. It will output code much
like the following for items that have a different left and right bound
[0.5 color rgbt <0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.8>] <-- Left bound color
[0.5 color rgbt <0.9, 0.7, 0.6, 0.1>] <-- Right bound color
Also support for reading maps into this format is included in 1.5, however
the old imports no longer work and old presets will not work correctly. It
can read most maps, but is best with maps generated with POVColor to begin
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"Allen" <bri### [at] yahoo com> wrote in message
> Why can't I post in povray.tools.general from the web interface?
Feel free to read the thread "some groups not in web-view" that I posted in
this group on 9/23/04 (here in povray.general).
The web interface apparently does not yet allow replying to comments, but it
does allow posting. Thorsten stated that he (or someone else) is working on
getting it fixed, so it should be available shortly.
Also, make sure that you're looking at http://news.povray.org/groups for the
group list.
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