I'd be perfectly prepared to post the source and results. And I'm sure I
could work out a protocol whereby we weren't standing on each others' toes.
At the moment, the source is a single file with the whole "game world" on
it. Only one tiny corner is actually detailed. This is analogous to, but
different from, the scenes in the example game.
I know a lot of what is going to go into the game, but I'd appreciate expert
assistance to improve the appearance and speed things up.
Each "scene" from the game point of view is a camera position, angle and
look_at. Movable objects and animations are created on the scene(s) where
they are meant to appear so that the anti-aliasing is right, and then cut
out and placed on transparent gifs.
I gather there are file areas hereabouts where I and others could upload
what we've got.
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