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I'm not sure if I should be posting this here or in the mac group ..
I'm new (really new) to POV-ray. I'm working on 3Ding a house design at the
moment based on some example files I've found around the place.
However it's just struck me that POV-ray could be the solution I need for
something more mundane: I'm trying to recreate buttons as seen in Apple's
aqua interface. I'm sure this is possible and I've played around with piles
of settings on a difference{ union{cylinder sphere sphere} plane } but
without success.
I'm sure someone's done this before but I can't find anything in the
newsgroups or elsewhere online. It's probably that I'm not searching for
the right thing!
Anyone point me somewhere? Or even have a snippet I can use?
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"Rick Measham" <nomail@nomail> wrote in message
> I'm not sure if I should be posting this here or in the mac group ..
> I'm new (really new) to POV-ray. I'm working on 3Ding a house design at
> moment based on some example files I've found around the place.
> However it's just struck me that POV-ray could be the solution I need for
> something more mundane: I'm trying to recreate buttons as seen in Apple's
> aqua interface. I'm sure this is possible and I've played around with
> of settings on a difference{ union{cylinder sphere sphere} plane } but
> without success.
> I'm sure someone's done this before but I can't find anything in the
> newsgroups or elsewhere online. It's probably that I'm not searching for
> the right thing!
> Anyone point me somewhere? Or even have a snippet I can use?
I haven't seen Apple's Aqua, though I'm sure it is most artistic :-)
If you want to create soft-edged buttonish squarish-roundish -ish -ish
shapes, the superellipsoid primitive could be a good easy start. Then you
can also directionally scale it to make elongated shapes.
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In article <web.4105bc7d9fd474bb78d4ef100@news.povray.org> , "Rick Measham"
<nomail@nomail> wrote:
> Anyone point me somewhere? Or even have a snippet I can use?
First, remember to use an orthographic camera. Otherwise your buttons will
end up distorted. Also you may need a rather high ambient color because a
single light source will not be enough most of the time and a row of light
sources will not work as expected either.
Second, note that Apple has a trigger-happy legal department when it comes
to anybody copying their GUI elements. So you may prefer to create not too
similar-looking buttons.
Thorsten Froehlich, Duisburg, Germany
e-mail: tho### [at] trf de
Visit POV-Ray on the web: http://mac.povray.org
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I hate to say that, but there are hundreds of tutorials on how to do
this with Photoshop/Gimp/etc. Could perhaps give you quicker results.
But if you want to do it with POV, try a merge of two spheres and a
cylinder and scale it accordingly. For the text you can either try a
difference or union with the text object.
Good Luck!
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I did something like that for the scrollbar of my sloyd game.
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