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Kandid, a genetic art tool, does now support POV-Ray.
Kandid is an interactive genetic design tool to evolve graphics. Graphics,
in Kandid, is not drawn by hand. Instead new forms can be found using
genetic algorithms. To achieve this aim Kandid simulates evolution using
sexual reproduction of inside image populations. There is no fitness
function in side the program. The user has to decide which color schemas
and forms are interesting.
The genetic engine inside Kandid can now be used as an interactive front end
to evolve layered textures and isosurface objects for the Persistence of
Vision ray tracer. Persistence of Vision acts, behind the scene, as an
compiler reading a POV-ray Scene Description Language generated by Kandid
to produce images.
To achieve the best best coupling of both programs it is highly recommended
to install Kandid and POV ray under Linux. The Linux version of POV-ray is
part of your Linux distribution.
If it is not installed you can add POV-ray with the installation program
coming with your distribution. On Windows the things are a little bit more
complicated. In the official POV-ray release for Windows the ray tracer is
integrated in a little development environment. But Kandid needs the
command line Version of POV-ray and nothing more. Fortunately there is an
unofficial command line version of POV-Ray from Christoph Hormann. Windows
users should download this version from
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"blind" <kap### [at] kandid org> wrote:
> integrated in a little development environment. But Kandid needs the
> command line Version of POV-ray and nothing more. Fortunately there is an
You do know that the Windows pvengine.exe also functions well from the
command line? The only two things you might run into are 1) the executable
not being in the system path, and 2) the executable remaining open after
the render completes. Both of these are easily solved (for the latter, I
believe there is an additional switch you may specify).
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From: Brian Elliott
Subject: Re: Kandid, a genetic art tool, does now support POV-Ray.
Date: 25 Jun 2004 23:24:07
Message: <40dcec57@news.povray.org>
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"blind" <kap### [at] kandid org> wrote in message
> Kandid, a genetic art tool, does now support POV-Ray.
> http://kandid.sourceforge.net/
> <snip>
> ... On Windows the things are a little bit more
> complicated. In the official POV-ray release for Windows the ray tracer is
> integrated in a little development environment. But Kandid needs the
> command line Version of POV-ray and nothing more. Fortunately there is an
> unofficial command line version of POV-Ray from Christoph Hormann.
> Windows users should download this version from
> http://www-public.tu-bs.de:8080/~y0013390/povcyg/
The official GUI version also works from command line to render an image
If you have the PATH set to the PoV-Ray binary directory, try:
pvengine /render <YourFileName>.pov /exit
or simpler and more familiarly:
pvengine -i <YourFileName>.pov /exit
"<YourFullPath>\pvengine" -i <YourFileName>.pov /exit
Add to that the command line switches you normally send.
Eg. "-h 600 -w 800 +ft"
As well as the render window, it will display its GUI while the render is
running. But that shouldn't be a problem, as the /exit switch causes it to
terminate when the render's over.
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Thanks for the hint. I tested it 3 month ago with version 3.5 but cant get
an acceptable results. The thing is that Kandid run the image generation in
parallel. This leads to the situation that up 70 instances of POV-ray are
running in parallel at the same time as externals processes. And this for
every round. The concept of Kandid requiers that the external calculation
processes dont have any impact to the visible windows on the desktop. I
have no experience with version 3.6. Is there a command line only version
available for Windows?
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From: Brian Elliott
Subject: Re: Kandid, a genetic art tool, does now support POV-Ray.
Date: 27 Jun 2004 04:40:25
Message: <40de87f9$1@news.povray.org>
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"blind" <kap### [at] kandid org> wrote in message
> Thanks for the hint. I tested it 3 month ago with version 3.5 but cant get
> an acceptable results.
Aha, you've already explored that idea. Sorry my remarks were not useful.
> The thing is that Kandid run the image generation in
> parallel. This leads to the situation that up 70 instances of POV-ray are
> running in parallel at the same time as externals processes. And this for
> every round. The concept of Kandid requiers that the external calculation
> processes dont have any impact to the visible windows on the desktop. I
> have no experience with version 3.6. Is there a command line only version
> available for Windows?
I'm not aware of one yet. And the available source code is still version
3.5, so it seems that it's not possible yet to compile a command-only
version of 3.6.
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