I want to make some cigarette smoke using absorption media.
Lets say i have a cylinder { <0,0,0><0,1,0>,1 hollow etc } which is to be
the smoke. I can specify the density and color of the absorption media as a
function of the distance from the y axis but I also want to specify the
density (strength) of the turbulence. I want the turbulence of the media at
<0,0,0> to be 0 and at <0,1,0> to be 1, with a ramp (1st order) increase
(for the moment).
I have checked the reference and help file but am having trouble with the
with the language.
I want do something like this
cylinder { ..
interior {
media { absorption a
density { density_type
density_map { .. }
warp { planar_warp_type y
planer_map { [0 turbulence 0] [1 turbulence 1] }
Is this visualisable?
Is this feasible?
Any help would be appreciated,
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