I've ported the quaternion-to-pov export option to seven other programs at
Mystic Fractal and the ten-dimensional program RSK. There are now ten
programs that support the pov export option. Fractal Zplot in addition can
export lsystems and height fields as pov triangle objects. Sorry Dennis I
don't include the export options in the trial version of QuaSZ, since
there'd be no reason to purchase the full-version (if that is the extent of
your interest in 3-D fractals.) As the examples I've posted in the
images.binaries group show, the option does work, and it is very easy to
use. I will post other examples if anyone is interested.
If there is anything else that I could add to my programs that would be
useful in your POV creations, please write. The email address can be found
at Mystic Fractal.
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"Terry" <nomail@nomail> wrote:
> I've ported the quaternion-to-pov export option to seven other programs at
> Mystic Fractal and the ten-dimensional program RSK. There are now ten
> programs that support the pov export option. Fractal Zplot in addition can
> export lsystems and height fields as pov triangle objects. Sorry Dennis I
> don't include the export options in the trial version of QuaSZ, since
> there'd be no reason to purchase the full-version (if that is the extent of
> your interest in 3-D fractals.) As the examples I've posted in the
> images.binaries group show, the option does work, and it is very easy to
> use. I will post other examples if anyone is interested.
> If there is anything else that I could add to my programs that would be
> useful in your POV creations, please write. The email address can be found
> at Mystic Fractal.
> Regards,
> Terry
> --
> www.mysticfractal.com
> www.referencesystemk.com
I have posted a trial version of QuaSZ (at Mystic Fractal) that includes all
the features of QuaSZ except that there are only 30 built-in formulas
instead of the 181 in the full version. The trial version is for evaluation
purposes only.
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