how do i get this to fly around and to a barrell roll in a circle using the
macro i have set up
global_settings { assumed_gamma 0.7 }
#include "colors.inc"
#include "textures.inc"
//Camera location throughout movie and where it moves
location <clock*10, 10, -80>
look_at <-60*clock,90*clock,70*clock>
light_source { <20, 20, -20> color White
light_source { <-150, 20, 0> color White }
light_source { <50, -50, -50> color White }
// creation of background
plane { y, -70
pigment { wrinkles
color_map {
[0 0.1*Green]
[9 Green]
} } }
// sky --------------------------------------
plane{<0,1,0>,1 hollow //
texture{ Bright_Blue_Sky scale 2
finish {ambient 1 diffuse 0}}
scale 10000}
// fog at the horizon -----------------------
fog{distance 300000 color White}
//creation of plane and macro
#macro Plane(translatex, translatey, translatez)
cylinder {
<-20,0,0>, //Start of cylinder
<10,0,0> //End of cylinder
1 // Radius of cylinder
pigment {color Orange} //Color of Cylinder
box {
<-10,-1,-1>, //One corner of box
<1,1,1> //Opposite corner of box
pigment {color Red }
box {
<-2,-0,-1>, //One corner of box
<1,0,15> //Opposite corner of box
pigment {color Blue }
box {
<-2,-0,-1>, //One corner of box
<1,0,-15> //Opposite corner of box
pigment {color Blue }
box{<-20,0,-0>, //One corner of box
<-18,4,-0> //Opposite corner of box
pigment {color Green }
box{<-20,0,-4>, //One corner of box
<-18,0,4> //Opposite corner of box
pigment {color Blue }
cylinder {
<12,0,0>, //Start of cylinder
<10,0,0> //End of cylinder
1 // Radius of cylinder
pigment {color Green} //Color of Cylinder
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