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I have d/l several models for MORAY. Is there a simple
way to insert a background, like say a space scene behind
a ship? Any help most appreciated.
Thank you.
Scott M
erl### [at] earthlink net
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Scott M wrote:
> I have d/l several models for MORAY. Is there a simple
> way to insert a background, like say a space scene behind
> a ship? Any help most appreciated.
Throw a sphere with an environment map of some sort around
the scene.
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Tim Cook wrote:
> Scott M wrote:
> > I have d/l several models for MORAY. Is there a simple
> > way to insert a background, like say a space scene behind
> > a ship? Any help most appreciated.
> Throw a sphere with an environment map of some sort around
> the scene.
What is an "environment map"? I can't find any reference to it in the
Ken Tyler
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Ken wrote:
> What is an "environment map"? I can't find any reference to it in the
> docs.
An environment map is any generic omnidirectional image which will, when
mapped onto a sphere surrounding a 3d scene, produce the effect of the
scene being in that environment. Also usable as 'reflection map' to
simulate reflective surfaces by providing something for things to
reflect, especially in scanline rendering programs. HDRI data is useful
to use as environment maps after converting to JPEG or another format
usable in whichever program you're using, because it is often
omnidirectional, encompassing the entire environment.
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On Sun, 18 Jan 2004 18:24:26 -0500, Tim Cook <z99### [at] bellsouth net> wrote:
>Throw a sphere with an environment map of some sort around
>the scene.
To add to this, you can use the include code plugin to add a Sky Sphere. For
{ pigment
{ gradient z color_map
{ [0 rgb <.8,1,1>][.3 rgb <.2,.5,1>][1 rgb z]
BTW remember the different handiness between Moray and Povray. Z is up instead
of Y.
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