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I have been using POVRay for some time now. Started with it on the Amiga if
that helps with dates. Anyway I have a dual PIII 550 with 700M. I have us
of Lightwave 7.5.
I have been using lightwave for a while and have noticed that POVRay seems
just as fast if not faster on high quality full radiosity renderings.
Lightwave does render fast for low quality renderings where its hybred
system is in use. But even heavy raytracing slows it down. Lightwave claims
it uses both CPUs in my system. POVRay clearly states it does not. Now am I
seeing things correctly? Is povray that fast with its radiosity? Or even
its raytrace. I am useing the same models to render in both programs.
Anyone using lightwave lets me know very clearly that I must be off my
rocker to even sugjest that povray is as fast as lightwave. But I can't
help seeing what I am seeing.
Does anyone from the POV side know how POVRay on just one CPU can keep pace
with Lightwave using 2 CPUs?
No flames please! Good compliments to the POV team always expected though.
P.S. forgive any miss spells. I do not have a spell checker handy.
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On Mon, 1 Dec 2003 10:07:47 EST, "m1j" <mik### [at] hotmail com> wrote:
> Does anyone from the POV side know how POVRay on just one CPU can keep pace
> with Lightwave using 2 CPUs?
POV-Ray is known to save rays for future renderings ;-)
Seriously, did Lightwave generated some statistics ? Interesting would be how
many rays were sended in both renderers, amount of memory used, number of
objects in scenes etc, etc. Internal representation of the object during
editing and during rendering.
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m1j wrote:
> I have been using POVRay for some time now. Started with it on the Amiga if
> that helps with dates. Anyway I have a dual PIII 550 with 700M. I have us
> of Lightwave 7.5.
> I have been using lightwave for a while and have noticed that POVRay seems
> just as fast if not faster on high quality full radiosity renderings.
> Lightwave does render fast for low quality renderings where its hybred
> system is in use. But even heavy raytracing slows it down. Lightwave claims
> it uses both CPUs in my system. POVRay clearly states it does not. Now am I
> seeing things correctly? Is povray that fast with its radiosity? Or even
> its raytrace. I am useing the same models to render in both programs.
> Anyone using lightwave lets me know very clearly that I must be off my
> rocker to even sugjest that povray is as fast as lightwave. But I can't
> help seeing what I am seeing.
It is well possible that POV-Ray renders certain scenes faster than
other programs but you have to make sure you compare the right things.
Whatever conversion of scenes you used this will never be perfect.
Render settings might not be comparable as well. For a qualified
comparison you should definitely show the render results.
In the end it will always depend on the type of scene which program is
faster - just try a million trees each a million triangles in Lightwave
and you will see... And of course POV-Ray has a lot of shapes (all not
mesh based ones) that are not available in Lightwave & Co. anyway.
POV-Ray tutorials, include files, Sim-POV,
HCR-Edit and more: http://www.tu-bs.de/~y0013390/
Last updated 25 Oct. 2003 _____./\/^>_*_<^\/\.______
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I use LightWave 7.5 and have seen the difference. LightWave is slower
with its radiosity than POV 3.5..... (o.t. and you have to remember to
use adaptive antialiasing). Lightwave does not have a heightfield
object, so subdivision surfaces must be used. That's also slow.
Lightwave is not primarily a raytracer, but from what I've seen, POV-Ray
beats the hell out of LW's raytracing capabilities and speed.
m1j wrote:
> I have been using lightwave for a while and have noticed that POVRay seems
> just as fast if not faster on high quality full radiosity renderings.
Samuel Benge
stb### [at] hotmail com
See my website@: http://www.goldrush.com/~abenge/Top/index.html
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m1j wrote:
> I have been using POVRay for some time now. Started with it on the Amiga if
> that helps with dates. Anyway I have a dual PIII 550 with 700M. I have us
> of Lightwave 7.5.
> I have been using lightwave for a while and have noticed that POVRay seems
> just as fast if not faster on high quality full radiosity renderings.
> Lightwave does render fast for low quality renderings where its hybred
> system is in use. But even heavy raytracing slows it down. Lightwave claims
> it uses both CPUs in my system. POVRay clearly states it does not. Now am I
> seeing things correctly? Is povray that fast with its radiosity? Or even
> its raytrace. I am useing the same models to render in both programs.
> Anyone using lightwave lets me know very clearly that I must be off my
> rocker to even sugjest that povray is as fast as lightwave. But I can't
> help seeing what I am seeing.
> Does anyone from the POV side know how POVRay on just one CPU can keep pace
> with Lightwave using 2 CPUs?
> No flames please! Good compliments to the POV team always expected though.
> P.S. forgive any miss spells. I do not have a spell checker handy.
Lightwave is known for its awfully slow GI algorithm. Any LW user can
tell you that. This means nothing, since LW GI algorithm is far from
being the state of art... it's old and slow (yet it's nice mind you).
I've seen vray at work at University and I must say it looked darn fast
and nicely smooth.
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