#declare tmp = vaxis_rotate(q2,p3,180);
#debug "tmp"//What is the vector of this point...
sphere { tmp 0.09
pigment { rgb <1,0,0>*5 }
finish { phong 1 }
translate p1 }
How do i send a vector to the output in the messages window...
Or how to convert a vector to a srting...
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Wasn't it Ryan Mooney <usa-moon47> who wrote:
>#declare tmp = vaxis_rotate(q2,p3,180);
>#debug "tmp"//What is the vector of this point...
>sphere { tmp 0.09
> pigment { rgb <1,0,0>*5 }
> finish { phong 1 }
> translate p1 }
>How do i send a vector to the output in the messages window...
>Or how to convert a vector to a srting...
You could try
vstr(3, tmp, ",", 0, -1)
#include "strings.inc"
Vstr(tmp, 0, -1)
#debug concat("tmp = ", Vstr(tmp, 0, -1), "\n")
Mike Williams
Gentleman of Leisure
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