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Is there a way in POV Ray to make film like in a camera. In other words, if
I created a lens, and aimed it at a plane.. for instance.... Is there some
kind of texture.. or something that could act like film.. record the image
that hits it.. so that this recorded image within the image might be used
to run as a projection in a later animation stage....?
Thanks .!
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In article <web.3fc403b948787b4bd074241b0@news.povray.org>,
"Robert LaMarca" <rob### [at] yahoo com> wrote:
> Is there a way in POV Ray to make film like in a camera. In other words, if
> I created a lens, and aimed it at a plane.. for instance.... Is there some
> kind of texture.. or something that could act like film.. record the image
> that hits it.. so that this recorded image within the image might be used
> to run as a projection in a later animation stage....?
No. You would have to render from the perspective of the film. If it's
to be used within the scene frame that's being rendered, you could use
the camera pigment patch in MegaPOV, but that won't save it for later
Christopher James Huff <cja### [at] earthlink net>
POV-Ray TAG: chr### [at] tag povray org
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Thanks very much for the quick reply. I guess that answers that question.
I may try using an orthographic camera in the place of the film. If this
does not work as I need it to, my next question:
.. is there a way to put up a movie screen within the render.. which I
could then take an image of using a standard camera and grab that as an
output file...?
Thanks again..
Christopher James Huff wrote:
>In article <web.3fc403b948787b4bd074241b0[at]news.povray.org>,
> "Robert LaMarca" <rob### [at] yahoo com> wrote:
>> Is there a way in POV Ray to make film like in a camera. In other words, if
>> I created a lens, and aimed it at a plane.. for instance.... Is there some
>> kind of texture.. or something that could act like film.. record the image
>> that hits it.. so that this recorded image within the image might be used
>> to run as a projection in a later animation stage....?
>No. You would have to render from the perspective of the film. If it's
>to be used within the scene frame that's being rendered, you could use
>the camera pigment patch in MegaPOV, but that won't save it for later
>Christopher James Huff <cja### [at] earthlink net>
>POV-Ray TAG: chr### [at] tag povray org
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"Robert LaMarca" <rob### [at] yahoo com> wrote in message
> .. is there a way to put up a movie screen within the render.. which I
> could then take an image of using a standard camera and grab that as an
> output file...?
If I've understood correctly...
1. Render an animation of whatever you want to appear on your movie screen
2. Render an animation of your final scene, but use the clock to place your
first animation onto your screen surface as an image map (with the image
filename changing according to clock for each frame).
If that doesn't make sense, let us know, and I'm sure someone will post a sample
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In article <web.3fc49e08740f305a7ae47060@news.povray.org>,
"Robert LaMarca" <rob### [at] yahoo com> wrote:
> I may try using an orthographic camera in the place of the film. If this
> does not work as I need it to, my next question:
> .. is there a way to put up a movie screen within the render.. which I
> could then take an image of using a standard camera and grab that as an
> output file...?
If you can see the movie screen, it will be in the output image...but
that's too obvious, and probably not what you're asking. There is no way
to "grab" light projected on a surface as an image, short of pointing
the camera at it.
Please...rather than guessing at different ways that *might* work and
asking if they are possible, why don't you just explain what you are
trying to accomplish? It sounds like you are trying to do forward
raytracing, where light is traced from the light sources, through the
scene, and into the camera. This is technically possible, but quite
infeasible: the number of rays required is simply too huge, and it takes
an extreme amount of time to generate an image.
Christopher James Huff <cja### [at] earthlink net>
POV-Ray TAG: chr### [at] tag povray org
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Christopher James Huff wrote:
>In article <web.3fc49e08740f305a7ae47060[at]news.povray.org>,
> "Robert LaMarca" <rob### [at] yahoo com> wrote:
>> I may try using an orthographic camera in the place of the film. If this
>> does not work as I need it to, my next question:
>> .. is there a way to put up a movie screen within the render.. which I
>> could then take an image of using a standard camera and grab that as an
>> output file...?
>If you can see the movie screen, it will be in the output image...but
>that's too obvious, and probably not what you're asking. There is no way
>to "grab" light projected on a surface as an image, short of pointing
>the camera at it.
>Please...rather than guessing at different ways that *might* work and
>asking if they are possible, why don't you just explain what you are
>trying to accomplish? It sounds like you are trying to do forward
>raytracing, where light is traced from the light sources, through the
>scene, and into the camera. This is technically possible, but quite
>infeasible: the number of rays required is simply too huge, and it takes
>an extreme amount of time to generate an image.
>Christopher James Huff <cja### [at] earthlink net>
>POV-Ray TAG: chr### [at] tag povray org
>I have previously used, about three years ago, the method suggested by Mr.Melly. The
purpose was to show the method of operation of a hyperspectral camera. I generated in
POVRAY a sequence of 128 scene images representing the spectral output from the camera
and image mapped these onto a 'screen' representing the focal plane of the camera. In
front of the screen was the animated optical system apparently creating the images. A
complete swindle of course but very effective at explaining the method of operation of
the camera. The clock was the principal problem..arranging for the correct image to
appear in the correct sequence with the moving parts of the camera. If you're
interested I could send you the movies and probably the *.pov files..if I can find
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