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I'm creating a scene with two isosurface objects that use similar
f_hetero_mf functions - one for a jagged looking mountain range
in the distance, and one for some smoother rolling hills in the
I'm happy with the function for the mountains, so I copy it to use
as the basis for the hills. At this point I've got a scene with 2
identical isosurfaces.
So far so good :-)
To make the hills smoother than the mountains, I change the number
of octaves in the f_hetero_mf function in the hills isosurface,
and re-render...
This is where it all goes wrong :-(
The hills isosurface changes correctly, but the mountains one also
changes - and not always in the same way, for some hills_octaves
values it changes to a copy of the hills, for others it fills its
container volume, and for others it doesn't change at all.
I know this sounds like I'm doing something daft, but I've
simplified the scene right down, and I can't see anything wrong
with it.
Could someone out there have a look at this and let me know if I
am doing something daft ?
Here's my cut down scene:
#version 3.5;
#include "functions.inc"
#declare mountain_octaves=12;
#declare hills_octaves=12; // Try changing this to 4 ...
camera {
right x*image_width/image_height
location -10*z
look_at -y/2
angle 30
light_source { 2*y-z rgb 1 }
isosurface {
function { 2+y - f_hetero_mf(0.2+x,0,z, 0.9, 1.7, mountain_octaves, 0.5,
0.9, 3 ) }
contained_by { sphere {0 1} }
evaluate 5, 1.2, 0.95
pigment { rgb <0.7,0.8,0.9> }
translate x*1.2
isosurface {
function { 2+y - f_hetero_mf(0.2+x,0,z, 0.9, 1.7, hills_octaves, 0.5, 0.9,
3 ) }
contained_by { sphere {0 1} }
evaluate 5, 1.2, 0.95
pigment { rgb <0.5,0.8,0.6> }
translate -x*1.2
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"Alun" <tho### [at] lineone net> wrote in message
Weird - very much looks like a bug.
You can 'fix' it by adding "translate y*1/750" to the hills (oddly, translating
the mountains up by 1/750 doesn't fix the problem - it creates a slightly
different one).
The problem only seems to occur when you render the iso - by this I mean that if
you declare both isos as objects, you then have to use both objects in the
Here's the scene I played with (just the modified bits):
#declare mountain_octaves=12;
#declare hills_octaves=4; // Try changing this to 4 ...
#declare IS1 =
isosurface {
function { 2+y - f_hetero_mf(0.2+x,0,z, 0.9, 1.7, mountain_octaves, 0.5,0.9,
3 ) }
contained_by { sphere {0 1} }
evaluate 5, 1.2, 0.95
pigment { rgb <0.7,0.8,0.9> }
translate x*1.2
#declare IS2 =
isosurface {
function { 2+y - f_hetero_mf(0.2+x,0,z, 0.9, 1.7, hills_octaves, 0.5,
0.9,3 ) }
contained_by { sphere {0 1} }
evaluate 5, 1.2, 0.95
pigment { rgb <0.5,0.8,0.6> }
translate -x*1.2
object{IS2 translate -y*1/750} //this is okay!
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Wasn't it Alun who wrote:
>I'm creating a scene with two isosurface objects that use similar
>f_hetero_mf functions - one for a jagged looking mountain range
>in the distance, and one for some smoother rolling hills in the
It looks like a really weird bug to me.
One unusual feature of the effect is that if you re-render the unchanged
scene, you get a different result most of the time. If you don't spot
that fact (it took me a while) then it's easy to make a small change to
the source and think that you've found a workround.
Mike Williams
Gentleman of Leisure
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From: Tom Melly
Subject: Re: Problem with multiple f_hetero_mf isosurfaces
Date: 10 Sep 2003 15:40:19
Message: <3f5f7e23@news.povray.org>
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"Mike Williams" <mik### [at] econym demon co uk> wrote in message
> One unusual feature of the effect is that if you re-render the unchanged
> scene, you get a different result most of the time. If you don't spot
> that fact (it took me a while) then it's easy to make a small change to
> the source and think that you've found a workround.
Ah - that rings a bell (a presumably unrelated bug in a pov .35 beta).
How does Alun report this as a bug?
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