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How do i tell povray where i saved my *.inc files?
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Wasn't it BorisW37 who wrote:
>How do i tell povray where i saved my *.inc files?
Tools->Edit Master POVRAY.INI
Add an extra Library_Path line.
POVRay looks in the library path for any files (e.g. fonts and image
maps as well as include files) that it can't find in the same directory
as the main source file.
Mike Williams
Gentleman of Leisure
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BorisW37 wrote:
> How do i tell povray where i saved my *.inc files?
What OS are you using?
Ken Tyler
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Windows 2000
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BorisW37 wrote:
> Windows 2000
Follow Mike's advice.
Ken Tyler
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Ok, i opened povray.ini
and edited it, here are the last few lines
; Specify path to search for any files not found in current
; directory. Up to 10 such paths may be specified.
; These were added by the install process with your installation
; drive and directory already patched in.
Library_Path=C:\Program Files\POV-Ray for Windows v3.5\INCLUDE
Library Path=C:\povray_inc
C:\povray_inc is the one i added. But when i run povray i get the following
V3.5\RENDERER\QUICKRES.INI', section is '[512x384, No AA]'.
Preset source file is 'C:\Documents and Settings\Boris1\Desktop\Mo_Pov
Persistence of Vision(tm) Ray Tracer Version 3.5 win32 (.icl)
This is an official version prepared by the POV-Ray Team. See the
documentation on how to contact the authors or visit us on the
internet at http://www.povray.org/.
Copyright 1991-2002 POV-Ray Team(tm)
This Windows version by Christopher J. Cason
Possible INI File Error: Could not open INI file 'Library'.
Possible INI File Error: Unknown option 'Path' in INI file.
Possible INI File Error: Could not read INI file 'C:\PROGRAM FILES\POV-RAY
INI File Error: Cannot open ini file C:\PROGRAM FILES\POV-RAY FOR WINDOWS
Returned from renderer with error status
if i comment the line, put ";" in front of Library Path=C:\povray_inc it
works fine
What do i do?
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BorisW37 wrote:
> Ok, i opened povray.ini
> and edited it, here are the last few lines
> Library Path=C:\povray_inc
> Returned from renderer with error status
> if i comment the line, put ";" in front of Library
> Path=C:\povray_inc it works fine
> What do i do?
add an "_" between "Library" and "Path" :)
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thanks a lot, i could not figure it out, i was sitting there starting at the
line before it and could not see the difference.
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