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I am making a macro that would draw Prisms with a variable number (N) of
points (set in macro properties).
Points are going to be generated by a certain formula.
How do i go about descrbibing such a prism?
// extrude a closed 2-D shape along an axis
prism {
linear_sweep // or conic_sweep for tapering to a point
linear_spline // linear_spline | quadratic_spline | cubic_spline |
-0.5, // height 1
0.5, // height 2
N, // number of points
// (--- the <u,v> points ---)
<points1>, <point2>, <point3>,.....<pointN>
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On Wed, 6 Aug 2003 22:57:21 EDT, "BorisW37" <Bor### [at] yahoo com> wrote:
>I am making a macro that would draw Prisms with a variable number (N) of
>points (set in macro properties).
>Points are going to be generated by a certain formula.
>How do i go about descrbibing such a prism?
#macro Formula(n)
// calculate n-th point
<n-th point>
prism {
#local C=0;
#local C=C+1;
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I am trying to use vrotate as a formula to use in prism generation. Is there
anyway i can exclude the Z component and just use x, and y components of
the point, since prism only needs 2 u,v components for each point
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Never Mind i figured it out.
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