microsat wrote:
>RasMol can show a cartoon style of a pdb file. Can PovRay do this?
>I know PovRay can show spacefill style of a pdb file.
>Thank you.
Povray can, of course, show just about anything, but whether there's a way
simply take a pdb file (or pdb file and rotation), and get a cartoon style
rendering, I don't know (actually, I'm not sure what a cartoon style
would entail, even though I've seen a number of pdb files rendered in a
of ways... )
My first suggestion is search google for 'povray pdb', and you'll hit a
of different discussions, mostly involving swiss pdb viewer's povray export
My second suggestion, is if you have any coding ability at all, Povray's
description language is certainly robust enough to read and display a pdb
file in any way whatsoever (though this involves understanding -all- the
of the chosen display method, and IIRC, some methods, like classic 'ball and
stick' are nearly impossible to do from a PDB file (because the atoms are
recorded by location, not by binding, certainly in the case of
scanned proteins and probably in the case of artificially generated pdb
Well, good luck.
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Hi there,
microsat wrote:
> RasMol can show a cartoon style of a pdb file. Can PovRay do this?
> I know PovRay can show spacefill style of a pdb file.
The Swiss PDB Viewer "Deep View" has similar display capabilities as
RasMol and also supports export to PovRay. You may wanna try out this
program (http://us.expasy.org/spdbv/).
BTW, it's funny I stumbled across your posting after not having visited
the PovRay newsgroup for quite some weeks. Yesterday I had to give a
lecture about structural biology, and I also briefly introduced RasMol
to the students. How about you - are you a protein biochemist or
bioinformatician? I could use someone expreienced in structural biology,
since it is not really my field of expertise...
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