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I've put two of my first POV-Ray scenes on my homepage. They are not
professional looking :) if you like, check them out at:
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The pictures are nice, but is it really necessary to have so many pop-ups? Plus
it tried to download Gator.
You could post those images to povray.binaries.images, so that people don't need
to go through all the pop-ups to see your site.
"Daniel Ngu" <ngu### [at] xtra co nz> wrote in message
> Hi,
> I've put two of my first POV-Ray scenes on my homepage. They are not
> professional looking :) if you like, check them out at:
> http://www.danielngu.0catch.com/povray.html
> Regards,
> Daniel.
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I'd like to personally choke the life out of the idiot who made that "gator"
pop up.
Chip Shults
My robotics, space and CGI web page - http://home.cfl.rr.com/aichip
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I apologize for the inconvenience. I was not awared of pop up trying to
install Gator onto your computer :( A message for everyone else, do not
follow the link provided above, I have posted the image to
http://news.povray.org/povray.binaries.images/32238/ and a mpg animation to
Sorry again.
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Tek <tek### [at] evilsuperbrain com> wrote:
> The pictures are nice, but is it really necessary to have so many pop-ups? Plus
> it tried to download Gator.
I warmly recommend trying Mozilla. Its popup blocker is pretty effective
(I haven't got *any* popups since I have used it).
And yes, links which open a new window through javascript still work
regardless of this block; it only blocks new windows at page load (this
can also be disabled separately if so wished, but in my experience it's
more convenient to keep it enabled).
(In case you don't find the preference, it's under
Edit -> Preferences... -> Privacy & Security -> Popup Windows)
#macro N(D)#if(D>99)cylinder{M()#local D=div(D,104);M().5,2pigment{rgb M()}}
N(D)#end#end#macro M()<mod(D,13)-6mod(div(D,13)8)-3,10>#end blob{
N(11117333955)N(4254934330)N(3900569407)N(7382340)N(3358)N(970)}// - Warp -
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