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Does anybody know a working link to John's rock include file? If not, does
anybody know of any other rock generating macros?
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If all else fails try using isosurfaces to make rocks
"Tim McMurdo" <jod### [at] woh rr com> wrote in message
> Does anybody know a working link to John's rock include file? If not, does
> anybody know of any other rock generating macros?
> Thanks,
> Tim
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"Tim McMurdo" <jod### [at] woh rr com> wrote in message
> Does anybody know a working link to John's rock include file? If
not, does
> anybody know of any other rock generating macros?
I have a copy I could mail you?
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That would be great! You can email it to:
jod### [at] woh rr com
Thank you very much.
Alf Peake wrote:
>"Tim McMurdo" <jod### [at] woh rr com> wrote in message
>> Does anybody know a working link to John's rock include file? If
>not, does
>> anybody know of any other rock generating macros?
>I have a copy I could mail you?
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In article <3e54978f@news.povray.org>,
"Mick Hazelgrove" <mic### [at] mhazelgrove fsnet co uk> wrote:
> If all else fails try using isosurfaces to make rocks
You can see an example of small rounded rocks (like from a river bed) in
the isocacti.pov example scene.
Christopher James Huff <cja### [at] earthlink net>
POV-Ray TAG: chr### [at] tag povray org
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Hey Alf, a little cheeky perhaps but could you send that my way too?
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Will be posted to povray.text.scene-files in just a minute.
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I see John's response, so guess you and Jim are both sorted now :o)
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