This is really an insignifaicant bug, that will perhaps not get highest
prority (unless you are interested in benchmarking) - but i tought i should
report it anyway (perhaps something more serious has crept into the code
reports the time spent)
I any case Time for parse should be 2 minutes and 0.0 seconds and not the
output i got below.
povray +P +FN16 +A +R4 Sampling_Method=2 -J +Q11 \
+Obin/PoV/TrinaglesFishCord.png \
+LPoV PoV/TriangleFishCord.pov
Persistence of Vision(tm) Ray Tracer Version 3.5 Unix (.Linux.gcc)
This is an unofficial version compiled by:
Time For Parse: 0 hours 1 minutes 60.0 seconds (120 seconds)
I know that you normally should provide a .pov file that provokes the error,
but this is not practical/useful in this case.
Best regards, and thanks for a great tool !
- Jan
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