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Whenever I try to use a parametric object I get an error message
"float factor expected but function found instead."
For instance, if I use the example from the manual (sec 6.5.5) to
draw a sphere,
parametric {
function { sin(u)*cos(v) }
function { sin(u)*sin(v) }
function { cos(u) }
<0,0>, <2*pi,pi>
contained_by { sphere{0, 1.1} }
max_gradient ??
accuracy 0.0001
precompute 10 x,y,z
pigment {rgb 1}
Parsing... parametric {
function { sin(u)*cos(v) }
function <----ERROR
parametric-sphere.pov:3: error: float factor expected but function found
I'm not really clear on the syntax, so I've tried variations, but I always
get this message. I've tried a couple examples posted in the povray
newsgroups, and they also gave me this message. I am using povray
3.0.20-10 in Debian Woody (i386). Any clues? Can someone post a complete
(reasonably short) working file with a parametric object usage?
Thanks for any help.
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From: Slime
Subject: Re: parametric: error: float factor expected but function found instead.
Date: 26 Jan 2003 18:53:03
Message: <3e3474df$1@news.povray.org>
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Try putting commas after the first two functions:
function { sin(u)*cos(v) },
function { sin(u)*sin(v) },
function { cos(u) }
I took that straight out of section 6.5.5 of the documentation (searched the
index for "parametric.")
- Slime
[ http://www.slimeland.com/ ]
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From: Thorsten Froehlich
Subject: Re: parametric: error: float factor expected but function found instead.
Date: 26 Jan 2003 19:57:38
Message: <3e348402@news.povray.org>
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In article <web.3e3472c9207607823b54632b0@news.povray.org> , "Liam"
<lnp### [at] healy washington dc us> wrote:
> I'm not really clear on the syntax, so I've tried variations, but I always
> get this message. I've tried a couple examples posted in the povray
> newsgroups, and they also gave me this message. I am using povray
> 3.0.20-10 in Debian Woody (i386). Any clues? Can someone post a complete
> (reasonably short) working file with a parametric object usage?
The version of POV-Ray included in Debian is completely outdated (by about
half a decade). Even worse, it isn't even an official version but some kind
of patched version.
To run any current POV-Ray scene you will need either POV-Ray 3.1 or POV-Ray
3.5 which are available from www.povray.org .
Thorsten Froehlich
e-mail: mac### [at] povray org
I am a member of the POV-Ray Team.
Visit POV-Ray on the web: http://mac.povray.org
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Slime wrote:
>Try putting commas after the first two functions:
> function { sin(u)*cos(v) },
> function { sin(u)*sin(v) },
> function { cos(u) }
>I took that straight out of section 6.5.5 of the documentation (searched the
>index for "parametric.")
> - Slime
This doesn't help at all. Believe me, I tried all combinations of commas,
lack thereof, etc. This solution is in the next message.
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Thorsten Froehlich wrote:
>In article <web.3e3472c9207607823b54632b0[at]news.povray.org> , "Liam"
><lnp### [at] healy washington dc us> wrote:
>> I'm not really clear on the syntax, so I've tried variations, but I always
>> get this message. I've tried a couple examples posted in the povray
>> newsgroups, and they also gave me this message. I am using povray
>> 3.0.20-10 in Debian Woody (i386). Any clues? Can someone post a complete
>> (reasonably short) working file with a parametric object usage?
>The version of POV-Ray included in Debian is completely outdated (by about
>half a decade). Even worse, it isn't even an official version but some kind
>of patched version.
.... and even worse, it's apparently broken.
>To run any current POV-Ray scene you will need either POV-Ray 3.1 or POV-Ray
>3.5 which are available from www.povray.org .
and this is the solution, v 3.5 from the povray site works fine. I finally
hit upon trying this version shortly after posting my original query.
What's really interesting to me is this question has never come up before
(google and google groups draw a blank). That tells me nobody uses the
Debian version, at least for parametric objects.
> Thorsten
Thanks Thorsten.
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